10. I ended up having a "Mother's Day Weekend." Since Zeb was leaving early Monday morning for Dallas he was constantly doing things for me all weekend. He took all 3 girls shopping and told me to go shopping alone since I would have them the next week by myself. He would put them to bed by himself and say, "You'll be putting them to bed every night." He did things like this all weekend and it was fantastic! Thanks babe!
9. On Saturday Claire and Hallie played like little angels together. They honesty played for probably 5 hours wihtout a single word to us or fight. They played the whole 3 hours Audrey took a nap and stayed in my bedroom playing happily. Because of this I got to read my book and relax. I told the girls later how happy I was that they got along so well and they beamed. It was the best present ever! While they were playing Claire dressed up Hallie and I got the biggest kick out of it! She could not have had another necklace on!

8. Saturday night Audrey had a fever and at 4:00 in the morning it was 104. After talking to Zeb we figured we should take her to the ER. As a Mother's Day present to me Zeb took her. I got to go back to sleep. Happy Day. It was so nice.
*Luckily Zeb got a 2 and a half hour nap when we were at church!
7. After Zeb got back from the ER it was time to open gifts. Claire had so many little things she made for me. Hallie as well. Claire would bring in card after card. It was precious! She had made a teapot at school and after telling the teacher that I don't drink tea and her putting a tea bag on it anyway, Claire took the liberty of cutting off the tea bag before giving me the colored pot. It was adorable!

6. My favorite card was the one she colored of me with highlighs i my hair (see above, top right). Inside the colored picture of me was this little story about me. She guessed I weigh 6 lbs and am 7 feet tall. She said I was as pretty as a princess and that a story about me when I was little was that I used to: "fit with her sistr." I got a really good laugh about that. Of all the things I have told her about when I was little she remembered that I would fight with my sisters. Love it.

5. Zeb took all 3 girls shopping for my Mother's Day gift. They bought me workout clothes. I was pumped. Zeb did a great job and has very good taste...but I already knew that! I love my outfits and shoes. I was spoiled!

4. After I opened my gifts the girls made me breakfast. They forgot to tell me it was ready so I went into the kitchen when I heard them in their rooms working on the next surprise. I found a bowl of life cereal that had milk on it for quite sometime. It was VERY soggy! So I quickly dumped it and got more before they noticed. When I poured the cereal I noticed a few pieces were already a little soggy. I asked Claire about it and she informed me she had to put some back since she had put too much in my bowl. So funny.
3. When we got to church the girls of course sang a Mother's Day song. It was so precious. They sang, "Mother Dear I love you so." I couldn't help but cry especially when they said, "I'm so glad He gave me you." Thank you girls.
2. Zeb made Dinner so I didn't have to cook on Mother's Day and it was so nice to not cook! :) He cooked Burritos and it was YUMMY! After dinner we had pie and ice cream and when I was getting Hallie her milk somehow when I went to set it down the entire cup tipped right in front of her and splashed milk all over her face, legs, and chair. We looked at each other with our eyed popped out and then burst into laughter. We laughed so hard and I of course grabbed the camera. The first thing Hallie said was, "Could you please get me more milk?"

1. This Mother's day was so special. I am overwhelmed with everything my little family did for me to make it such a special day. Thank you, Zeb, Claire, Hallie and Audrey. I love you so much!