Claire and Audrey share a bedroom. Since I am one of "those" moms that is paranoid about kids falling off bunk beds and breaking their arms, we have the beds side by side. I am super excited to decorate the rest of the room but for now we have the wall colors and bedspreads...so I didn't take pictures of the other walls. I had so much fun with the teal wall!!!

Hallie and Julia share a room and I had lots of fun picking the Roxy theme for this one. Rather than buying another bed Hallie sleeps in the bed we use for our guests and it seems to be working great. The wall above her is the bright pink and the other three walls are light pink.
Julia's crib is in the corner of the room and you can see the pink that is on the rest of the walls here. I LOVE the colors and can't wait to decorate this room too!