Ever since we moved to Texas I have always said, "I want snow once a year on Christmas and then never again!" I love mild winters and Texas has been good that way. Our first year in Texas it snowed but it was in march or april and the snow never really stuck to the ground. Well, last night the girls went outside to sprinkle the reindeer food and we found snow covering the ground. I was like a kid in her first candy store. I went wild! I was jumping up and down screaming. The snow stayed until Christmas and then melted. The girls got to make snow balls and believe me, they had a blast! It was such a wonderful Christmas Eve. We gathered together and each child said one thing they remember about the story of the Savior's birth. I loved hearing the things they remembered.

Christmas morning.
I realized that Josh and I are the only adults in any pictures. Josh and Carol are together. Zeb and I are together. Enough said! ;)

Last year for Christmas the girls asked for American girl dolls. It was a tall order and not even Santa and the parents together could manage it. So the girls got baby alive dolls and were super excited and grateful. They stuck to their desire for an american girl doll again this year and Santa and the parents came through. They were in heaven. I scored some AWESOME deals at a garage sale in Utah that Angie went to for me AND Zeb's coworker, Susan, also has a daughter that donated unwanted outfits and accessories for the girls. So not only did the girls get dolls from Santa but they got about 6 outfits and lots of accessories from mom and dad! In the girls' words, "This is the best Christmas EVER!"

It being the first Christmas away from our families, I braved all the Christmas traditions and am making Christmas dinner. Breadsticks, jello, celery, salami and all. Growing up my mom made the BEST salami ever (I don't personally like any other salami) and my mom told me I could totally make it. "It's fool proof," were her words. So right now my house has the wonderful salami aroma that I have grown to love at Christmas time. Throw in some Judd's and Amy Grant Christmas songs and I feel as "at home" as I can feel. I love the traditions that we are doing with our girls and I love the happiness and love that fills our home. I miss my family but I am so happy with all of our wonderful blessings.
I am Thankful for a wonderful family.
Thankful for an amazing husband.
Thankful for 4 beautiful gifts from my Heavenly Father.
Thankful for a great job and our first home.
Thankful for all our family and friends, near and far.
Thankful for family in Texas to share Christmas with.
Thankful for IChat so we can still see our parents and family that are away.
Thankful for the feeling of Christmas.
Thankful for the sights and sounds of Christmas at my home this year.
Thankful for the gospel and for my Savior. His birth and ultimate sacrifice.
Thankful for an eternal marriage.
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Love to you all,
The Fish Fam