Okay I haven't posted in AGES sorry! Things have been crazy around here! I took these pictures of Hallie yesterday morning. She loves to put on jewelry and lip gloss. The more the merrier! She is so girly it kills me and yet she was naming all the colors of the star wars light sabers (how in the world do you spell that??) to Cindy's sister Stacie yesterday. So she can hold her own with the boys which is a good sign. Anyway here are a few pics of Hallie the dress-up queen!

Cute kid!
Hallie, I love your red gloves, very glam. ;)
Hallie, you look beautiful!
If we're going to be girls... we might as well do it to our fulliest ability! She's knock-out!
She is BEAUTIFUL and so grown up! I really cannot believe that is Hallie!!!
I can hear Hallie saying, "Aunt Stephanie, can I have some of your lip gloss," in her cute little voice. She is such a girly girl. I adore her. I am in need of some new pictures of all three girls together. :)
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