Okay so last night when the girls were saying their bedtime prayers this was part of Claire's,
"Please bless Daddy that he will feel us in his heart, and please bless us to feel daddy inside of us."
How precious is that? When I called Zeb and told him he of course melted. Claire is such a sweet sweet girl.
We miss you, Zeb!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Questions and answers for my first flight alone with three kids!
1. How long was the actaul layover in Denver after the flight was delayed for a second time?
Only 3 plus hours! It was originally supposed to leave around 7:55 but was changed to 8:55 and then delayed until 10:10. I was not a happy camper when I found this out. So I tried to get stand by on an earlier flight to SL. I trucked it all the way across the airport and made it to the terminal with 10 minutes before boarding and waited. You should have seen some of the looks I got. Sheer surprise and some people just looking sorry for me. I waited for the 8:05 plane to board and then they did their final boarding call. I didn't bug the agent and waited. She said, "If you don't board the plane in the next 2 minutes your seat will be taken." I waited the 2 minutes but she never called the stand by people to come forward. I continued to wait and then 2 people run up and catch their flight. Then a few minutes later 4 people run up and catch it too. Then another few people catch it as well. All the while there I am 10 feet away with all my kids and she doesn't say a word. We were starving and hadn't had dinner and yet we don't hear a word about stand by passengers. Not one. Finally a gentleman runs up and says he is on that flight and she says, I'm sorry, the flight has left. You have GOT to be kidding me. Honestly. I understand that they may not have room but come on. Could she at least say something? Like "Stand by passengers, there is no room at this time?" How long does that take? Seriously. Boy was I bugged. So I took the girls all the way back past the previous terminal and had dinner.
2. How did I pinch a nerve in my back? Well, just picture me with Audrey on my back in a carrier, and pushing the double stroller with Claire and Hallie, with the carseat draped over the top of the stroller and our cary ons in the bottom of the stroller, oh and our 4 coats shoved in there as well. I think that explains the pinched nerve! :) Although I must say that back carrier saved me. I was able to have 2 free hands and never had to worry about Where Audrey was or what she was doing. It was worth the back pain hands down! I could even go to the bathroom with her still in it. I just held her feet up!!!
3. How many people did it take to get us boarded on the second flight? only me and 3 other adults. Audrey wasn't in her carrier anymore so I was holding her. A lady helped carry the carseat. Another lady pushed the girls in the stroller and the last person helped carry the coats. Boy was it an ordeal!
4. Why couldn't I see at one point during the second flight? Audrey hit me in the eye and my contact popped out. I am BLIND without my contacts so I blinked and when I opened my eyes I couldn't see a thing out of my left eye. I touched it and luckily my contact (hard) happened to be on my eyelashes. Boy could that have been worse. I could imagine trying to find it on the ground of the airplane. IMPOSSIBLE. So I handed Audrey to the stewardess in the back and put my contact back in.
5. Who threw up on the plane after the second flight? There was a lot of turbulence during the flight and when we were waiting to deboard the plane Audrey started dry heaving. I looked around frantically and said to the stewardess, I think she's gonna throw up. She opened the latch to the bathroom, opened the lid to the toilet just as Audrey launched it into the toilet. It couldn't have been more perfect. Again, it could have been SO much worse. Can you imagine the smell of it all over me and the girls in the middle of the flight? Not to mention how bad the clean up would have been?
6. How long did we wait to deboard the plane since no one was at the terminal to let us off? It took 30 stinkin' minutes. After the whole layover we still didn't get off for 30 minutes cause no one was there to open the latch and let us out. SO annoying!!
7. And last but not least, What time did we get to my sisters house? We didn't get home until 2a.m. I was so wiped out and still am, frankly. What a trip!
Just so you all know, I am still alive as are all my children. None of them were beaten or yelled at.
Although there were some very bad patches in the 10 hours we were traveling, it could have been so much worse. I have decided that the hardest party about flying with kids are the things you can't control. I can handle giving the kids things to do and entertaining them (no, we did not have a DVD player!!) but when you throw in delays, problems with the flight, and that you can't control other people it gets really hard.
Note to self and all reading:
If I have learned anything from this experience it is that you should pay the extra hundred or hundred and fifty dollars and GET A STRAIGHT THROUGH FLIGHT! It is worth every last penny!
Well, Have a lovely day everyone! Thanks for reading!
Only 3 plus hours! It was originally supposed to leave around 7:55 but was changed to 8:55 and then delayed until 10:10. I was not a happy camper when I found this out. So I tried to get stand by on an earlier flight to SL. I trucked it all the way across the airport and made it to the terminal with 10 minutes before boarding and waited. You should have seen some of the looks I got. Sheer surprise and some people just looking sorry for me. I waited for the 8:05 plane to board and then they did their final boarding call. I didn't bug the agent and waited. She said, "If you don't board the plane in the next 2 minutes your seat will be taken." I waited the 2 minutes but she never called the stand by people to come forward. I continued to wait and then 2 people run up and catch their flight. Then a few minutes later 4 people run up and catch it too. Then another few people catch it as well. All the while there I am 10 feet away with all my kids and she doesn't say a word. We were starving and hadn't had dinner and yet we don't hear a word about stand by passengers. Not one. Finally a gentleman runs up and says he is on that flight and she says, I'm sorry, the flight has left. You have GOT to be kidding me. Honestly. I understand that they may not have room but come on. Could she at least say something? Like "Stand by passengers, there is no room at this time?" How long does that take? Seriously. Boy was I bugged. So I took the girls all the way back past the previous terminal and had dinner.
2. How did I pinch a nerve in my back? Well, just picture me with Audrey on my back in a carrier, and pushing the double stroller with Claire and Hallie, with the carseat draped over the top of the stroller and our cary ons in the bottom of the stroller, oh and our 4 coats shoved in there as well. I think that explains the pinched nerve! :) Although I must say that back carrier saved me. I was able to have 2 free hands and never had to worry about Where Audrey was or what she was doing. It was worth the back pain hands down! I could even go to the bathroom with her still in it. I just held her feet up!!!
3. How many people did it take to get us boarded on the second flight? only me and 3 other adults. Audrey wasn't in her carrier anymore so I was holding her. A lady helped carry the carseat. Another lady pushed the girls in the stroller and the last person helped carry the coats. Boy was it an ordeal!
4. Why couldn't I see at one point during the second flight? Audrey hit me in the eye and my contact popped out. I am BLIND without my contacts so I blinked and when I opened my eyes I couldn't see a thing out of my left eye. I touched it and luckily my contact (hard) happened to be on my eyelashes. Boy could that have been worse. I could imagine trying to find it on the ground of the airplane. IMPOSSIBLE. So I handed Audrey to the stewardess in the back and put my contact back in.
5. Who threw up on the plane after the second flight? There was a lot of turbulence during the flight and when we were waiting to deboard the plane Audrey started dry heaving. I looked around frantically and said to the stewardess, I think she's gonna throw up. She opened the latch to the bathroom, opened the lid to the toilet just as Audrey launched it into the toilet. It couldn't have been more perfect. Again, it could have been SO much worse. Can you imagine the smell of it all over me and the girls in the middle of the flight? Not to mention how bad the clean up would have been?
6. How long did we wait to deboard the plane since no one was at the terminal to let us off? It took 30 stinkin' minutes. After the whole layover we still didn't get off for 30 minutes cause no one was there to open the latch and let us out. SO annoying!!
7. And last but not least, What time did we get to my sisters house? We didn't get home until 2a.m. I was so wiped out and still am, frankly. What a trip!
Just so you all know, I am still alive as are all my children. None of them were beaten or yelled at.
Although there were some very bad patches in the 10 hours we were traveling, it could have been so much worse. I have decided that the hardest party about flying with kids are the things you can't control. I can handle giving the kids things to do and entertaining them (no, we did not have a DVD player!!) but when you throw in delays, problems with the flight, and that you can't control other people it gets really hard.
Note to self and all reading:
If I have learned anything from this experience it is that you should pay the extra hundred or hundred and fifty dollars and GET A STRAIGHT THROUGH FLIGHT! It is worth every last penny!
Well, Have a lovely day everyone! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Our Second Little Monkey
So Hallie was such a climber and we now have our second little monkey. Audrey finds anything to inch her way up on. Her favorite thing lately, besides the toilet and my computer desk, is the kitchen table. She loves to climb on the chair and then up onto the table. If there is actually something on the table she is in heaven. This morning she threw all of Claire's school papers off the table and thought it was the greatest thing ever. I get really upset with myself when I accidentally leave something on the table! Like a bowl of cereal or cup of milk! Hallie and Claire are really sweet about sharing when Audrey comes begging.
Over the weekend she really started walking. She wants to walk on her own now instead of being coaxed by mom and dad. She knows if she really wants to cruise she should resort to crawling, which is exactly what she did in this clip.
One of my favorite things she says is "Happy Birthday." She sings it out of the blue and I absolutely love it. For some reason when she turned 1 and we sang it to her she kept trying to say it. She got it down a few weeks later and says it all the time now. I tried getting her to sing it in this clip but it didn't work very well. I'll have to post her saying it later.
She is such a sweetheart.
Over the weekend she really started walking. She wants to walk on her own now instead of being coaxed by mom and dad. She knows if she really wants to cruise she should resort to crawling, which is exactly what she did in this clip.
One of my favorite things she says is "Happy Birthday." She sings it out of the blue and I absolutely love it. For some reason when she turned 1 and we sang it to her she kept trying to say it. She got it down a few weeks later and says it all the time now. I tried getting her to sing it in this clip but it didn't work very well. I'll have to post her saying it later.
She is such a sweetheart.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Surprise for Me!
Okay so yesterday I was getting some invitations ready for the Young Women and Claire came into my room and said, "don't come out, we are doing a surprise for you!" She totally had on her little apron so it was a dead give away. But I stayed in my room and got a lot done and then she would periodically come in and say, "Don't come out yet, it isn't ready."
So finally it was time for my surprise. She whispers to Hallie,"don't say it's time for dinner, just say, your surprise is ready." So Hallie waltzes in my room wearing her apron and says her line, "Your surprise is ready." Claire comes to hold my hand and make sure I close my eyes.
When she announces that I can open them I see the table totally set and all the food prepared. My sweet husband and little girls had made dinner. It was so sweet and I gasped and said, "It looks like you made dinner for me!" I loved it. It was so sweet of Zeb to make it all and the girls to be his little helpers.
Then Claire, knowing how happy I was asks, "Can we earn a privilege back?" How can I say no to that? So I told her they could and she screams, "Hallie we get the privilege of changing our clothes back!!" (They had lost it when they changed like 50 times the other day and didn't put any away.)
Anyway, I thought this was a sweet story and wanted to share. I LOVE my family.
So finally it was time for my surprise. She whispers to Hallie,"don't say it's time for dinner, just say, your surprise is ready." So Hallie waltzes in my room wearing her apron and says her line, "Your surprise is ready." Claire comes to hold my hand and make sure I close my eyes.
When she announces that I can open them I see the table totally set and all the food prepared. My sweet husband and little girls had made dinner. It was so sweet and I gasped and said, "It looks like you made dinner for me!" I loved it. It was so sweet of Zeb to make it all and the girls to be his little helpers.
Then Claire, knowing how happy I was asks, "Can we earn a privilege back?" How can I say no to that? So I told her they could and she screams, "Hallie we get the privilege of changing our clothes back!!" (They had lost it when they changed like 50 times the other day and didn't put any away.)
Anyway, I thought this was a sweet story and wanted to share. I LOVE my family.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
My Man
So I was tagged like 3 weeks ago by Emily but I must have missed that post cause I didn't see it on her blog until today! Oops!
This Tag is about my MAN!

I had to post this picture of him boarding last summer cause I LOVE it!!!
What is his name? Zebulon Luke Fish. And yes I will tell you how he got that name since everyone asks. His mom watched a western with 2 of the characters (a father and son) named Zebulon and Luke. So there you have it.
How long have you been married? We just had our 7 year Anniversary.
How long did you date? We started dating in January of 2000 and were married that December. Although Zeb wanted to take me out in high school...who would have guessed that?
How old is he? 28 (he still has a year and a half to graduate before he is 30 because isn't there a rule somewhere out there that says you have to graduate before 30?...just kidding, it just feels like we have done school since the day we were married..probably because we have but that's okay!)
Who eats more? Zeb, especially pizza. My favorite is the crust so I have a slice or two and then he puts all his crust on my plate. It works out really well and I usually get like 6 crusts!!! :) Isn't he thoughtful?
Who said I love you first? Zeb and I totally thought he was just saying it to make me feel better about the conversation we were having so I didn't say it back at first, my reply was, "you don't have to say that cause you feel like you have to." Romantic, huh? Sometimes I wish I could take things back. Duh!
Who is taller? Zeb, by a good 10 inches.
Who sings better? Me
Who is smarter? Anyone that knows us would answer without even thinking..IT IS SO ZEB
Whose temper is worse? Zeb and he agrees. :)
Who does the laundry? Me, although over the break he busted out several loads in Utah...very sweet.
Who does the dishes? The dishwasher, thank goodness we have one. For the first long while we were married we had to do them by hand. A dishwasher is a must. But every night after dinner Zeb does them. He is the BEST.
Who pays the bills? I write out the checks, but technically the money is borrowed. Oh the joys of being in school.
Who mows the lawn? Some guy on a big mower which the girls love to watch. So glad it's not us.
Who cooks dinner? I do. But if the question were who cooks better it would be Zeb all the way.
Who drives when you are together? Definitely Zeb. Even when I get him from school I slide over to the passenger side to let him take over. I drive Zeb nuts when I drive and frankly I feel safer with him driving as well, Em.
Who is more stubborn? I would have to say Zeb??? He is gasping right now. But truthfully he thinks he is too!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me. Zeb's words, "It's totally you!"
Whose parents do you see the most? It's pretty even. When we go home we go back and forth so we see both about the same.
Who has more friends? I think we have the same amount. We are both pretty social although at the beginning of our marriage he was more than I was.
Who has more siblings? Zeb, by one.
Who wears the pants in the family? Zeb does but in a good way. He's not a dictator.
That was fun, thanks Em!
Okay, now I am tagging Steph, Abbie, and Misty. Tell me about your hubbies!
This Tag is about my MAN!

I had to post this picture of him boarding last summer cause I LOVE it!!!
What is his name? Zebulon Luke Fish. And yes I will tell you how he got that name since everyone asks. His mom watched a western with 2 of the characters (a father and son) named Zebulon and Luke. So there you have it.
How long have you been married? We just had our 7 year Anniversary.
How long did you date? We started dating in January of 2000 and were married that December. Although Zeb wanted to take me out in high school...who would have guessed that?
How old is he? 28 (he still has a year and a half to graduate before he is 30 because isn't there a rule somewhere out there that says you have to graduate before 30?...just kidding, it just feels like we have done school since the day we were married..probably because we have but that's okay!)
Who eats more? Zeb, especially pizza. My favorite is the crust so I have a slice or two and then he puts all his crust on my plate. It works out really well and I usually get like 6 crusts!!! :) Isn't he thoughtful?
Who said I love you first? Zeb and I totally thought he was just saying it to make me feel better about the conversation we were having so I didn't say it back at first, my reply was, "you don't have to say that cause you feel like you have to." Romantic, huh? Sometimes I wish I could take things back. Duh!
Who is taller? Zeb, by a good 10 inches.
Who sings better? Me
Who is smarter? Anyone that knows us would answer without even thinking..IT IS SO ZEB
Whose temper is worse? Zeb and he agrees. :)
Who does the laundry? Me, although over the break he busted out several loads in Utah...very sweet.
Who does the dishes? The dishwasher, thank goodness we have one. For the first long while we were married we had to do them by hand. A dishwasher is a must. But every night after dinner Zeb does them. He is the BEST.
Who pays the bills? I write out the checks, but technically the money is borrowed. Oh the joys of being in school.
Who mows the lawn? Some guy on a big mower which the girls love to watch. So glad it's not us.
Who cooks dinner? I do. But if the question were who cooks better it would be Zeb all the way.
Who drives when you are together? Definitely Zeb. Even when I get him from school I slide over to the passenger side to let him take over. I drive Zeb nuts when I drive and frankly I feel safer with him driving as well, Em.
Who is more stubborn? I would have to say Zeb??? He is gasping right now. But truthfully he thinks he is too!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me. Zeb's words, "It's totally you!"
Whose parents do you see the most? It's pretty even. When we go home we go back and forth so we see both about the same.
Who has more friends? I think we have the same amount. We are both pretty social although at the beginning of our marriage he was more than I was.
Who has more siblings? Zeb, by one.
Who wears the pants in the family? Zeb does but in a good way. He's not a dictator.
That was fun, thanks Em!
Okay, now I am tagging Steph, Abbie, and Misty. Tell me about your hubbies!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Pixie Cut
So Hallie's hair needed some work to begin with, and then when we added the 20 hour drive of constant twirling, there had to be a hair cut. The one side was so short and I knew I had to suck it up and go short so that it looked right. My mom cut pretty much only the left side (although she did trim the right a little). Anyway, I was really nervous at first but once I styled her hair I LOVED the new pixie cut. I think it looks darling on her and I couldn't be happier. She can't twirl it very well so there is a lot less of that now. I hope she can stop that habit so she can grow her hair back. I'm just glad it grows back! Thanks, mom..great job!
Christmas...a little late!
Okay, so I know Christmas was a while ago but better late than never! We decided to go to Utah at the last minute (on Wednesday and we left Thursday at 3 AM!) We realized that all of Zeb's siblings were going to be in town and that would be the last time for a long while. So after deliberating for several days we decided to go...help with the cost to get there definitely helped! We are so glad we decided to go. We had such a great time with family and friends.
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