This Tag is about my MAN!

I had to post this picture of him boarding last summer cause I LOVE it!!!
What is his name? Zebulon Luke Fish. And yes I will tell you how he got that name since everyone asks. His mom watched a western with 2 of the characters (a father and son) named Zebulon and Luke. So there you have it.
How long have you been married? We just had our 7 year Anniversary.
How long did you date? We started dating in January of 2000 and were married that December. Although Zeb wanted to take me out in high school...who would have guessed that?
How old is he? 28 (he still has a year and a half to graduate before he is 30 because isn't there a rule somewhere out there that says you have to graduate before 30?...just kidding, it just feels like we have done school since the day we were married..probably because we have but that's okay!)
Who eats more? Zeb, especially pizza. My favorite is the crust so I have a slice or two and then he puts all his crust on my plate. It works out really well and I usually get like 6 crusts!!! :) Isn't he thoughtful?
Who said I love you first? Zeb and I totally thought he was just saying it to make me feel better about the conversation we were having so I didn't say it back at first, my reply was, "you don't have to say that cause you feel like you have to." Romantic, huh? Sometimes I wish I could take things back. Duh!
Who is taller? Zeb, by a good 10 inches.
Who sings better? Me
Who is smarter? Anyone that knows us would answer without even thinking..IT IS SO ZEB
Whose temper is worse? Zeb and he agrees. :)
Who does the laundry? Me, although over the break he busted out several loads in Utah...very sweet.
Who does the dishes? The dishwasher, thank goodness we have one. For the first long while we were married we had to do them by hand. A dishwasher is a must. But every night after dinner Zeb does them. He is the BEST.
Who pays the bills? I write out the checks, but technically the money is borrowed. Oh the joys of being in school.
Who mows the lawn? Some guy on a big mower which the girls love to watch. So glad it's not us.
Who cooks dinner? I do. But if the question were who cooks better it would be Zeb all the way.
Who drives when you are together? Definitely Zeb. Even when I get him from school I slide over to the passenger side to let him take over. I drive Zeb nuts when I drive and frankly I feel safer with him driving as well, Em.
Who is more stubborn? I would have to say Zeb??? He is gasping right now. But truthfully he thinks he is too!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me. Zeb's words, "It's totally you!"
Whose parents do you see the most? It's pretty even. When we go home we go back and forth so we see both about the same.
Who has more friends? I think we have the same amount. We are both pretty social although at the beginning of our marriage he was more than I was.
Who has more siblings? Zeb, by one.
Who wears the pants in the family? Zeb does but in a good way. He's not a dictator.
That was fun, thanks Em!
Okay, now I am tagging Steph, Abbie, and Misty. Tell me about your hubbies!
Oh thanks! This one will probably be easier than the one about myself! It's fun to read that since we now kind of know Zeb. We could totally see him and his reaction with some of those.
I did this one a while back...not sure when but if you want to search back on mine you can. :)
Oops! I'm signed in as Craig...guess you can tell it's Misty, huh?
I loved reading about Zeb. He really is an amazing husband and dad. And you are just as smart as your man. You both are just smart in different areas!! (That's how it should be!)
Amazing that you are my sister and didn't get the "most stubborn" title. :)
You do have a great husband. David has been helping out a lot because I am so uncomfortable but before I did the dishes most of the time. Way to go Zeb!
good job leah. i really like this tag.
ps. that picture is going to make tom jealous. seriously, i'm pretty sure he dreams every night of a free afternoon spent on the lake.
pps. love your music.
Ok, I like your music so much that I had to open a new window so that I could do the rest of my online stuff, but keep your page open so that I could hear your tunes. Good picking!
Dang, after seeing that picture I am more in love with Zeb than that time he let me play with his Wii.
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