Over the past few months I have gotten a lot better at reading Claire's notes. I love Kindergarten and how they spell words. Here is the translation in case it is hard to understand:
Dear Dad,
I know the Godhead Lives. I know Heavenly Fathers Plan for me. Every one is in my Gospel Standards. I know Jesus Lives. And I love Him. He is the Savior of the World.
Love your daughter (dodr) :)
The picture is of Claire and the tree of life with Jesus in the Sun.
She is such a sweetheart and I am so grateful she has come to our family. She already has such a strong belief in the Plan and our Savior. I love seeing her learn and her testimony develop. She got a list of the Gospel Standards from a lesson that Tina did in sharing time. Claire LOVED it and reads them daily. She will come out of her room, when she is supposed to be asleep, and tell us, "I didn't read my gospel standards!" In fact she did that last night.
Over the weekend when we were in Denton Carol asked me if Claire says y'all a lot. I said, "No, why?" She told me Claire had been talking to some kids below the balcony and kept saying Y'all! Claire told me on the way home that the kids had been saying some things that weren't very nice. So Claire yelled down to them, "Y'all are hurting Heavenly Father's feelings!" I thought that was so great. So there you have it mom, Claire is saying Y'all!
Thanks for coming to visit. That was a precious note. We'll be in touch.
That is really cute. I only had a hard time with "father" I was grateful for the translation to confirm my guesses.
The Texan accent doesn't really go away- Big A still has a little one and he was 2yo when we left. I LOVE the accent though.
I am so proud of you. You have a beautiful testimony. I know the plan and loves Jesus, too. I love you little Claire Fish.
Love, Auntie Angie
I couldn't have loved that more. Claire is such a sweetheart. Make sure to tell her that her Auntie Stephanie is so proud of her! What an amazing little girl to have such a strong little testimony and pure love for the Gospel.
You are such an amazing mom!
I love you,
you both must be bursting with pride. what a sweet girl she is. i'm so proud of her...and it says a lot about the two of you that she would write something like that. you are amazing parents!
Sometimes I wonder how much the children learn in primary and so this post just makes me love my calling even more and reminds me how grateful I am for the oppotunity to teach our children. Claire is a very sweet spirit.
So cute! That's definitely a keeper! ;)
That is THE cutest note I have ever seen. How sweet!
That is so sweet! How cute! Keep that for her baby book!
Claire is amazing! She is so sweet! When are you guys coming up again?
SO CUTE!! I love that little note and picture. It sounds like you are teaching your kids well. Your girls sure are adorable.
Claire is so smart! Seriously! Isn't it funny how it all makes sense in their little minds but all mumbled on paper! I love that she "narrated" her letter.
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