Once I get something in my head there is no stopping. I don't know why but I want this little baby named now. Sometimes wanting and getting things done is a blessing and other times it is just plain annoying. It's not like I can't wait a few months and let some names settle. Oh no, I have to do it now. I have been looking for baby names since Monday and came across names celebrities used for their kids. All I have to say is. "Wow!" I know the parents are famous but these poor kids have these names the rest of their lives! That's just sad.
Her are the ones that I was reeling over:
Fifi-Trixibelle Geldof
Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof
Little Pixie Geldof
Bluebell Madonna Haliwell
Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily Hutchence
Steveanna Genevieve Jackson
Moxie Crimefighter Jillette
Speck Wildhorse Mellencamp
Tallulah Belle Willis
Diva Muffin Zappa
Calico Dashiell Cooper
Audio Science Clayton
Kal-El Coppola Cage
Arpad Flynn Alexander Busson
Zowie Bowie
Satchel Seamus Allen
Nice, huh?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
And We are Having....
I first have to say, on the way to the appointment I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I kept saying, "I really want another girl. But I really want a boy too. I want both! I don't know what I want!"
Well, we are having a GIRL!
Yes, you read that right. We are so excited and can't wait to see her.
In the office Zeb had the biggest grin and I was just elated. The girls are pretty excited too.
As we were walking out of the Dr's office Zeb said, "Come on ladies." Then said, "See, I have to be able to say that still!" We are so happy that she is healthy and that everything looks good. We couldn't be happier!
Now here is where we need help. After having a hard time picking a name for our third girl we are totally drawing a blank this time. Help please! What are some girl names you love?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Today we went for a family outing. We drove to Temple, ran a few errands, and were going to go to a park with trains but Audrey was too sick. Anyway, I ran inside Dollar Tree while Zeb sat in the car with the girls. They were just parked in a parking stall. As they are sitting there Zeb sees something moving out of the corner of his eye. Next thing he knows a shopping cart smashes the car.
Okay folks, we aren't talking about a cart moving a few feet and bumping our car....we are talking about a shopping cart that is at the top of a sloped parking lot that got some serious speed after moving downhill for over 30 yards and nailing our fender. Talk about a dent.

Well we have insurance so we figure they will just fix it. Well, they will, but there is a $250 deductible. Really? We have to pay two hundred and fifty bucks? I get ticked off about things like this. I could go off about so many things in this situation and I get so frustrated.
My question is this, "How how can Zeb be so calm about it and how can he say, 'Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal?"
In situations like this why can I not have a more relaxed personality? There really is nothing we can do about it so WHY DO I STILL GET SO WORKED UP???
Okay folks, we aren't talking about a cart moving a few feet and bumping our car....we are talking about a shopping cart that is at the top of a sloped parking lot that got some serious speed after moving downhill for over 30 yards and nailing our fender. Talk about a dent.

Well we have insurance so we figure they will just fix it. Well, they will, but there is a $250 deductible. Really? We have to pay two hundred and fifty bucks? I get ticked off about things like this. I could go off about so many things in this situation and I get so frustrated.
My question is this, "How how can Zeb be so calm about it and how can he say, 'Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal?"
In situations like this why can I not have a more relaxed personality? There really is nothing we can do about it so WHY DO I STILL GET SO WORKED UP???
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Great News!
For those of you that have been wondering about my dad we have had the most wonderful news. They changed the diagnosis of his level 2 cancer to level 1. The Oncologists believe it will be highly treatable and he has a 70-80% chance of the cancer being put in remission for 5-8 years. He will start chemo next thursday and will finish in February.
Just knowing we will have several more years with him has been so wonderful. It helps being so far away more bearable. Thank you or all your thoughts and prayers in our behalf.
Zeb is almost done with this quarter. He has a week and a half until finals.
Audrey has discovered a love for writing on the walls. That's a fun hobby to experience. :) Her new phrase is "I can't, Mommy!" She is always making us laugh.
Hallie is loving school and still wishes she could go every day. She frequently cries on the days that aren't school days.
Claire is doing well in school and LOVES it. She can almost always be found with a book in her hand. She loves reading and will read to Hallie forever.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thank You
I just wanted to write this post to first of all thank everyone around me for the love and support you have given me. These past few days have been rough and so many of you have stepped in to comfort me and be there for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
There will be many days that are hard and full of tears where those of you who don't know will be wondering what is wrong....much like today at church when, in the middle of YW's, I burst into tears! ;) Just a few days ago my dad was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Follicular Lymphoma. This type of cancer isn't curable and we are waiting to hear a lot of details. The hardest part, next to the diagnosis, is being so far away.
So to those of you that have been there for me, thank you. I won't be able to thank you enough. And to my family, give dad a bunch of extra hugs for me and my family. I can't wait to see you at Christmas!
When I found out about my dad I was at the park with the girls. Obviously we needed to leave so when we got in the car I was telling the girls about everything. I was crying, Hallie was crying, and Claire was crying. Darling Audrey, not wanting to be left out, starting fake crying. So then we were laughing.
Sweet little Hallie said to me today, "I'm sad that Grandpa is sick. But it must be really sad for Grandma."
I love you mom and dad.

Friday, October 3, 2008
Good Things to Know
1. If your deodorant has holes and scrapes in it your child got into it.
2. If your child has a fascination with deodorant she will put it all over her body like lotion...whether it's your husbands or yours. Such fascination gets old really fast.
3. If your child chooses to eat your deodorant she will throw up.
Audrey will not leave our deodorant alone. 9 out of 10 times if I can't find her I look in our bathroom and she is usually putting Zeb's deodorant on her legs. Honestly. Then the other night I was in the middle of making dinner and I hear her dry heaving...I run to her and there she is deodorant in hand. To the sink we go. Just the thought of her eating my deodorant about made me vomit. She is such a little stinker but man she is fun. Never a dull moment.
2. If your child has a fascination with deodorant she will put it all over her body like lotion...whether it's your husbands or yours. Such fascination gets old really fast.
3. If your child chooses to eat your deodorant she will throw up.
Audrey will not leave our deodorant alone. 9 out of 10 times if I can't find her I look in our bathroom and she is usually putting Zeb's deodorant on her legs. Honestly. Then the other night I was in the middle of making dinner and I hear her dry heaving...I run to her and there she is deodorant in hand. To the sink we go. Just the thought of her eating my deodorant about made me vomit. She is such a little stinker but man she is fun. Never a dull moment.
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