Okay folks, we aren't talking about a cart moving a few feet and bumping our car....we are talking about a shopping cart that is at the top of a sloped parking lot that got some serious speed after moving downhill for over 30 yards and nailing our fender. Talk about a dent.

Well we have insurance so we figure they will just fix it. Well, they will, but there is a $250 deductible. Really? We have to pay two hundred and fifty bucks? I get ticked off about things like this. I could go off about so many things in this situation and I get so frustrated.
My question is this, "How how can Zeb be so calm about it and how can he say, 'Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal?"
In situations like this why can I not have a more relaxed personality? There really is nothing we can do about it so WHY DO I STILL GET SO WORKED UP???
Sorry, first about your car, and second because I am on Leah's side. I would be totally torqued. I would especially be cursing the fat lazy sob's who refuse to place the carts where they belong. But that is my assumption, they may not be lazy.
Again, Sorry.
LAME! Are you serious? I get so worked up about stuff like that, too. Justin is always cool and collected. It gets old to always be the one out of control, but somebody's gotta over react!! Sorry. So lame.
Oh my goodness! I would have been so mad! Sorry...that really sucks.
For what its worth, at least it wasn't your fault! I hate it when something like happens because I'm an idiot. Like a year ago when I didn't turn sharply enough at the railroad tracks and straddled the track, beating the heck out of the rim. I think all told the repairs (new rim, new tire, and other stuff that I don't remember) cost about $600. By the way, loved the post about Audrey and the deodorant. We got a good laugh out of that one.
I am so sorry. I would be SO livid. I wish I had a better handle on my emotions sometimes, but my first reaction is to get ticked and then to be calm after I've vented.
I get ticked off like that, too. Good luck getting it fixed. :) Insurance companies are dumb! Maybe it will be easy if Ceb takes care of it though. ;)
I agree with Misty (he, he).
Bryan reminded me that if it is too close to the door it can dent it more, so I would get it fixed. That stinks though.
i think i'd be pretty bugged at people's lack of consideration when it comes to carts. i just don't think it is so hard to walk a cart to cart holder/place/thing. it's rude!
Holy cow that is a big dent! Sorry about all of that, no fun!
Sorry to hear about the car. I also have a cool and collected husband so we balance them out by freaking out right! It's all good. Hey I what to make my blog private how do I do that help.
That's crazy! I'm the same as you and Brad is like Zeb. When stuff like that happens it's even hard for me to sleep until it gets worked out. Good luck!
um...question. when are you going to announce the sex of that baby? i'm dying here. has there been enough time? find out already!!! :)
No serious...really? That is crapy. I would totally be bugged...however I think my husband would be even more bugged than me!
So get this...I always get your friends the green monsters posts on my google reader...so I finally figured out that is why I commented on her blog that one day because I thought she was someone else....how funny! I don't know why it comes up on there...weird. Hope you and your pregnant self are doing good ;)!
I'm sorry about your car. That is a total bummer. I hate those deductables too. I don't really understand what insurance is for, when you can pay for most things that are damaged out of your deductable. It's like you have to die or become paralized with a completely totalled car for insurance to cover anything.
Oh my gosh! That would make me so mad too! I am so sorry that happened to you guys!! That is incredibly annoying!!
You should sue! Hehehe!
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