On Thursday after getting Claire off to school I was balancing check books and listening to Hallie and Audrey play. We were just about to run errands but the girls were chasing each other and having so much fun. Hallie was running away from Audrey and Audrey tripped and started crying. She was only a few feet away from me. I saw that she was bent over by the frame of the bed and I thought "Oh, she could totally gash her face on the frame." I turn her around to comfort her and blood is pouring out of the bridge of her nose. My fear was true. I grabbed a towel and tried to clean her up and we head to the ER. That was visit 1.
Poor Audrey had 3 stitches in her nose since the cut was too close to her eye to do the glue. She was a trooper and was so brave. When I had to leave for x-rays she did great. They actually told me she was the best patient they had had all day. When they wrapped her up in the sheet she was great. It wasn't until the shot and stitches that the crying came. It was so sad. I sang her popcorn popping and tried to distract her. Luckily Jana came to help with Hallie so she didn't have to witness the traumatizing stitching. (Thanks for the advice on that one Ang). 2 hours later we were back at home and getting ready for nap time.

Hallie was still not feeling very good so I took just Claire to gymnastics. After dropping her off in her Halloween costume I picked up Zeb who is studying for finals. When we swung by the gym to get Claire on the way home the car battery ended up dying. Thank goodness Zeb was with me. It was a quick jump and we were on our way.
Just after dinner I got the girls ready for bed and Hallie started crying and moaning. Her tummy was making her miserable. I have never seen her like this. She wasn't throwing up, it was the other stomach problems. Anyway, it got worse and worse and Zeb and I thought I should take her to the ER. Trip number 2.
At 9:00 we took off and the Doctor ran a bunch of tests. They gave her an IV just to get more fluids in her and did blood work. When she needed x-rays, again I had to leave. She was about to freak out but I explained that it wasn't safe for the baby. She realized she needed to be brave and she did great. All the tests and x-ryas were normal, she just has a virus. We didn't get to leave until after 1:00 in the morning.

After 2 visits to the ER, a dead car battery, and a husband studying over 15 hours for finals I would say my day was a little exhausting.
Nap anyone?
*The pictures are horrible since they were taken with my camera phone but my fam wanted pictures. ;)