Here are some overdue pictures of Claire and Audrey. Hallie was home sick watching Tinker Bell and was so sad to miss out on all the Halloween fun. :(

Someone asked if her nose was make up or real. Since she was Belle I told people she jumped in front of the Beast when the wolves came. Great story, huh?

I love this of Claire and Audrey. They have so much fun together.

I can't believe how grown up Claire is. She is so big and can't wait to have a baby sister to hold.

Audrey's cut is healing so GREAT! I can't believe it. I'll have to post pictures of what it looks like now.
Audrey and Gabby held hands the whole night and had so much fun together.

After we went to dinner at the Hudson's and trick or treating in their neighborhood we went home. Hallie was feeling MUCH better and wanted to put her costume on. We went to a few houses on our street and Hallie was so HAPPY! I'll have to post pics when I get them from Cindy! Man we need a camera.
Love those little princesses! They looked so cute. I am sad for Hallie. It's the worst to be a kid sick on a holiday! Poor thing. Audrey cut looks horrible. I'm glad you said it's looking better now!! Please get a camera soon!
Poor Audrey! That is seriously so sad. Okay and people must be pretty retarded (sorry to say) if they thought you would paint make up like that on your pretty little princesses face...what the! Your girls are darling!
What cute little princesses. I can't believe people asked if the cut was makeup. many little princesses have bloody makeup?! All of your girls are getting so big. I can't WAIT to see you guys next month. I'm glad Hallie got to go to a few houses at least....that is torture to miss out on trick or treating!
Um, ya you do need a camera!! You are posting almost as little as us. Horrible.
If you're not excited yet, you'd better get there. We all are super excited to see your family and Michelle. Yaaay!
i can't wait to see your kids!!! i can't wait to eat yummy food!!! i can't wait to wind your children up so they won't go to sleep at night! oh, and it appears that audrey has the same issue that jess does, what a bunch of exhibitionists...
Cute princesses. Hope Hallie feels all better. Was she a princess for Halloween too?
What cute princesses! They would fit right in at Disneyland. That is another reason why I LOVE fall at Disneyland, little girls in their princess dresses with tennis shoes and jackets.
Wow, the cut really has healed soooo well! They look so sweet in their costumes.
Cute! Great beast story. Hallie gets sick a lot, doesn't she?
The girls look so cute. I so glad Hallie is feeling better and Audrey's nose looks like it is getting better. I love the name Julia it is so beautiful. I hope all is well now love you pee! say Hi! to Zeb and the girls for me.
When are you guys coming?
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