After Zeb picked up Claire from school, he and the girls came to the hospital. The girls were SOOO excited.

I love the grin on Hallie's face. You didn't even have to mention saying cheese. Although Audrey kept telling Julia to say cheese. ;)

Please note how cute the girls look. Zeb took the oldest 3 home last night and put them all to bed. He got Claire off to school this morning, lunch and all. Then when they came to the hospital they all looked adorable. Way to go Zeb. You get the #1 Dad award! Oh and when I walked through the door when we got home there was folded laundry on the couch. He is the best.

And here is the little star, Julia! Her onesie says "Daddy loves me." Claire insisted Julia wear it.

I love pictures of newborns in car seats. Even an eight pounder looks small inside.

We are happy to be home, although I am of course tired. The pain meds this time made me really drowsy and loopy. I'm glad they take the pain away but the side effects are not so fun.
I have 4 kids. Wow.
Leah! She is SO beautiful. I can't get over how much they change in 24 hours. She looks more and more like a mix of you and Claire. Mom thinks she looks like you when you were a baby. She was going to bring a baby picture of you to Texas to compare, but when I was dropping her off at the airport she realized she forgot it. I just wish I could hold her and kiss her, but pictures will have to suffice for now so I want a TON of them and I promise I will return the favor in three weeks when Connor gets here. Gulp!
I can't believe you have four! You are such an amazing mom, Pee. Honestly, Robby and I have commented several times on our goal to be as consistent with our kids as you and Zeb are with the girls. I love you like crazy and wish I could be there to help and hang out with our brand new babies. The distance is killing me! Tell the girls I love them and give them all kisses for me. Julia could't be more precious. Okay, this should just be a phone call because it is getting absurdly long.
Julia is beautiful. A doll. Precious. I can't stand being in Utah. I want so badly to be at your house watching the older girls and holding Julia. I miss you, more than ever. Thanks for posting so many pictures. Keep em coming. I love you. Julia couldn't be cuter. She look so much like your baby pictures.
wow Leah!! She is so so beautiful! ALL your girls are SO beautiful!! I can't believe how little she looks in that car seat!! If anyone can be a mother of 4 you can!! I'm so excited to follow Julia (and the rest of you) growing up!!
She is so cute and so small. I really do forget how small they are when they are newborns.
She does look so cute and tiny in the car seat. Zeb does hair, too? That is amazing!!! :) Cute kids! Hope you get feeling back to "normal" soon.
Ok she is precious. I am still wondering how you grew 8lbs 10oz in that tiny body of yours but whatever. I cannot believe that you have already done 3 blog posts--hello it is called taking it easy!!! I loe you and your family of 6 is gorgeous!!!
Leah, so happy for you and little Julia!!! The pictures are so cute, and I am glad that everyone is doing well!!! The Hudsons really miss the Fishes, and I wish that I could hold your sweet little bit of Heaven. Congratulations!
Leah, I am so so so happy for you!! I don't even know what else to say, lol! You DO have 4, lucky lucky mama!
Glad you're home. What a cute hubs you have to be taking care of business while you were gone.
Yes, you have four kids...I love that you put that at the end. So funny! If anyone can pull this off and make it look effortless, it will be you.
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