We went to see the "Disney's, A Christmas Carol Train Tour," at Union Station Downtown. I was so excited for the girls to go and even more stoked it was free. So with all 4 kids in tow we started off. We got the run around from 1 way streets and it ended up taking 35 minutes to park. We shook it off and went inside. Here are things I wish I would have known:
1. Just because it's at Union Station does NOT mean it is inside the depot and we would spend 3 hours outside.
2. Everyone else loved the idea of going, therefore there would be a line that lasted over an hour and a half long before getting inside the train. This is what the girls looked like after 5 minutes of waiting:

3. That they would make me leave my stroller BEFORE waiting in the enormous line, so I SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT THE BABY BJORN!!!!!
4. That when I left this morning I should have packed snacks and not forgotten the drinks on the counter because it was 100 + degrees outside.
5. That it would take so long that we weren't going to be able to meet Zeb for lunch.
6. That when we finally got inside the train we never actually got to sit down and it was over in 5 minutes.
7. That the pictures of the girls' faces that were supposed to morph into the different characters wouldn't work.
8. That the man down the street, when it was over, that was selling popsicles didn't speak English so he couldn't tell us to wait 3 minutes before eating the popsicle. (Apparently when you have too much dry ice it freezes them so much that when you try and eat it, you are stuck to the popsicle. It was the worst tongue to freezer experience I have ever had. Christmas Story times 10. I tried ripping it off like an idiot and ripped my lips and tongue. I finally stopped ripping when I started bleeding and my friend poured water all over it to get it off.)
9. That I would forget all Spanish I ever knew and stare at him like a moron, while telling him in frustrated English that he shouldn't be selling these.
10. That I would look like I had lip injections afterward.
11. That after throwing away the bloodied popsicles I would act like a cheap skate and demand "tres mas" before leaving. (Hey, I paid for 3 popsicles and I was getting 3 popsicles!!!)
12. That, after waiting the 3 blasted minutes for them to thaw, once the girls started eating they had 30 seconds before they melted all over their hands.
13. That the 3D movie preview would be scary for Audrey.
14. That I would get stuck in traffic on the way home.
15. That Audrey would fall asleep in the car on the way home, making it so we couldn't eat at chick-fil-a. (I was NOT about to have a meltdown after all this).
16. That it would have been 2:00 before we were able to eat lunch.
17. That my sweet girls would behave so nicely, stay by my side in line, be happy with shared snacks from friends, and only ask how much longer a few times. They were such troopers. We deserve to go out to dinner! ;)
18. That after the whole ordeal, when we were at home, Audrey would say, "Mommy, it was fun to go on the train!" Maybe it wasn't a miss after all!
Here are a few pictures:

Still in line. Julia wore Aidan's ball cap to keep her shaded. Thanks, buddy!

And STILL in line!!! At least they had some carolers there. Although a bit ironic they are singing "Jingle Bells," when you are sweating buckets outside!

Finally inside the train!
In and out. It was FAST!

This was the highlight of the day. The girls really liked the 3D sneak peak of the movie! I LOVE the popsicle all over Audrey's chin.
So...if you are thinking of going to the train tour of the new disney movie, "A Christmas Carol," think really hard! Or at least note all the things I have written for your amusement!