Thought I would update you on the Fish Fam!

Julia is such a sweetheart. She still looks so much like Claire. She is growing up way too fast and I wish I could freeze time for a year. She is so happy and I LOVE every moment with her. I can't give her enough kisses. She sleeps through the night and is an angel in the car. (Stark contrast from our 3rd that cried for 6 months in the car!)

Audrey finds her place on the couch each morning with my boppy as a pillow and it cracks me up. Does that even look comfortable? I love that she fell asleep on this morning. It was the day after a VERY late night from driving back from Waco. She asks for milk and a noga (granola) bar every morning.

Hallie is sporting a nice shiner that happened one night that Claire accidentally kicked her. My response when they told me was, "Was the kick an accident?" "Or did you mean to kick her, just not in the eye?" Claire truthfully said, "I meant to kick her just not in the eye." ;) Hallie starts Pre-K in 3 weeks. She misses the deadline for K by 8 days. They have a tuition based Pre-K program in Rockwall and we are excited for her to go to "Real School."

Claire, my little poser, still has her 2 front teeth. These suckers are going to take another 7 years to get loose enough to come out. She is waiting patiently and wiggles them often. She adores Julia and always wants to hold her and kiss her. She helps make her happy if she is sad and talks to her like a mom. "It's okay, pumpkin!" "Oh, I haven't seen you in a while." "How's my girl?" I can't believe she'll be a 2nd Grader in 3 weeks. Wow.
Zeb got to go to the cabin solo last weekend. Just some buddies went and he had a blast wakeboarding and kayaking. I'm SO glad he got to go, we all need fun things every now and then!
I get to go to Utah in a few weeks to see one of my best friends from high school get married. I am SOOO excited. It will be a VERY quick trip, just Julia and me but I am stoked!!!!
How fun...your girls are just adorable...remind me a lot of mine actually! Glad you guys are having a fun summer...and your baby is a dream!!!!
Cute family! So you are building a house? That is great! Congrats!
I read this last night and thought I left a comment, I guess I have a lot on my mind. I really enjoyed the updates on everyone (and that you included Zeb and yourself). Enjoy Utah for me and eat some corn on the cob, it just tastes better there.
Cuttie pa-tooties!
Fun update! I love how Claire talks all mommy-ish to her baby sis..that's just hilarious! And I'm with you on freezing time...if only we had that power as moms!
Have fun in Utah! It sounds fun having some alone time with baby Julia.
Your girls could not be cuter!! I love them to peices. Julia is SO darling. I am counting down till I get to meet her in person. I am beyond excited. Cute post.
those girls are just darling..kayla reminds me of claire sometimes-- what a cute family- miss you guys
The girls are just adorable. I'm so jealous that Julia sleeps through the night. Taylor has become an all night snacker. It's driving me crazy but I need Abe to be done with his test before we try to break that habit. Can't wait to see Julia and you soon. ~Meredith
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