Some moms from the ward here in Garland were putting together a joy school and we jumped at the chance to join. Almost every day since school started for the older girls Audrey has asked when her school was. "When do I go to school?" "When do I meet my teacher?" Well, her first day is finally here.

She of course gave Julia and me hugs and kisses 30 minutes before Emily came to pick her up. The time finally came and I could hardly get her to stand still to get a picture.

I know she is the same age as she was yesterday but she looks so old to me in these pictures.

I am so excited for you, Audrey. I hope you have a wonderful day at school. You really are a big girl. You're my best Audrey in the whole wide world. Love you, pumpkin!
Agreed, she suddenly looks much older. I'm sure she was extremely excited to get started.
super cute kids. Kaili is the same way She only gets to go to preschool 2 times a week, but that's all she talks about is those 2 days, tues and thurs, and when they get here she is the first one out of bed to get ready in the morning. I drop her off at preschool and tell her that she is my baby and I don't want her to grow up! She yells at me, "Mom! I am a big girl like Zane! and now Jaci is your baby!" :) it's a good time. :)
i'm so excited for her! i love that she wants to go to school!!! so adorable!
Little Audrey is in school already.....I can't believe it! I bet she just LOVES every moment of it!
Hooray for Audrey! Love the backpack.
Oh my! I can't believe how big she looks. She reminds me so much of Hallie for some reason. She looks ADORABLE.
I can't believe she is big enough to go to Joyschool! She really is looking tons older! What a cutie. I love all of the pics. I can't remember if I commented last night or not when I was looking at your blog-but I loved everything that I had missed and was catching up on! Your house is looking awesome!
She is so cute guys. I did joy school when I was little, so much fun. I'm sure she'll love it, your girls are so social.
So exciting! She looked so grown up when we saw her. In my head I kept thinking she was Hallie. She is so cute!
So cute! It's the backpack that makes her look older! ;)
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