Julia May turned one! We had a wizard of oz/munchkin land party with a yellow brick road, lollipops, glenda wands and lots of munchkins! We had so much fun.

Thanks to my sister Steph, Julia had a darling birthday girl shirt. I LOVE it!

And thanks to my friend Mandy, we had amazing cake pops to eat. They are so fun to make!

We had a lollipop for each munchkin with their picture on it! The kids LOVED these but I learned my lesson! ;)

And thanks to Mandy and Michelle for helping me decorate!!! Never could have pulled it off without you!
We had lots of friends, great food (gotta love Costco pizza), and one adorable birthday girl!
Happy Birthday Julia! Cute pics. Love the lolli-pop girls!
Looks like you guys went all out. The pictures are just adorable. It looks like such a good time! ~Meredith
i love her little belly. she's so cute and i can't wait to meet her! oh, and i just realized that she reminds me a little of madison when maddy was a baby. of course, she is mini-claire.
Oh my gosh!!! This is so cute! Are you sure these pics aren't from like "Parenting" magazine or something? What a great first bday party!
What a GREAT idea!!! I love it! Very cute! I can't believe she is 1 already...that happened way too fast! She is adorable!
Very Very cute Leah. You did a great job! Julia looks adorable in her b-day shirt.
What a fun birthday!! I can't believe she is already 1! The decorations and everything were darling! She is so stinkin cute!! Wish you guys lived closer!
Leah, as the author of this blog you are FIRED! Julia's birthday was forver ago. Give me something new to smile at. PLEASE.
Love you, Your big (yes, big these days. 29 weeks and counting,sister)
She is SOOO cute! And how happy does she look?! It's like she KNEW it was HER party. I can't believe it's been a whole year...
I love the pics.
And I heart costco pizza, too.
What a fun birthday party! I love all the pictures! I can't wait to see you this summer! Keep me posted when you are headed my way!
So fun! I love the cake pops. And, your pics are super clear....WHOW!
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