This little spit fire loves to get dressed and comes up with some funky things. I have never had a child that didn't just get dressed in what I laid out for them (at least until 4!) but then came Julia. When I tell her to go get dressed she won't even pick out clothes from her drawers. She ALWAYS picks out pajamas. She wear PJ's 75 percent of the time no matter where we go. She picked out her tutu swimming suit and put pajamas over them when we went to eat lunch at the school with the girls. I have learned that this is a battle not worth fighting. This is what she strolled in wearing this morning:

Things I love about Julia:
1. She loves babies. She always says, "Awwww," when she sees them.
2. She lets me put pig tails in her hair now.
3. She sings the song to the TV show, "Good Luck Charlie" and yells "Seen it! Seen It! Seen it!" when it shows pictures of past episodes.
4. She sings the kidz bop songs in the car or at home out of the blue. "Cause you're amazing, just the way you are." Or "Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars. I could really use a wish right now wish right now...."
5. When the girls aren't getting along she will say, "I'm tired and SICK." "Audwey you listen to me! I mean it!"
6. She loves to let me read her stories.
7. She thinks my ipad is hers.
8. She will tell me she needs to do her homework.
9. When I call her Audrey (which I do frequently) she says, "I'm not Audwey mom. Don't call me Audwey." It's hilarious. She catches me every time.
10. I love her laugh and could tickle her all day. Her spot is her collarbone. Gets her every time.
I might have to print this picture out and hang it on my mirror! I love her!!!
That is too cute! She is such a sweet girl. Can't wait to see her soon!! ~Meredith
oh how we love that cute little julia!!
Oh Julia, you're a doll! Her at Azure would totally be BFF's!
Cute cute cute! She is a little spitfire :)
That is so cute Leah! Your girls are all so beautiful.
What a precious girl you have. And a snazzy dresser!!
Shut up.... I love her. Could she be cuter? I had some sweet outfits myself back in the day. :) She is adorable. I miss her! Love and miss you.
P.S. How much do I love Seen it. Seen it. So cute.
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