Ladies and gentleman, we have entered the mullet phase! I am torn with what I should do. Hallie's I just cut as the back grew since my kids don't have hair on top FOREVER. Audrey has almost no hair on top as well. Her mullet is getting quite long as you can see.

But I think Audrey's is so cute the way it curls up to her head.
I guess the question is, cut it or leave it? Help!
Leave it! At least for now... just give it a couple more months to see if the top fills in more and then you can even it out. I told you, I regret cutting Ava's. Eventually it grows in and all comes together, just be patient and enjoy the mullet stage. :)
I would leave it. If it gets too long, I would trim it but for now with it curled like that, I would leave it. *Let us know what you decide.
It's cute how it curls up. I would leave it.
Okay, the polls have now closed. All of you that voted to not cut the mullet are officially white trash and we have two tickets for each of you to next weeks monster truck rally!
Okay, the polls are not closed, but lets be honest, it's a class 1 mullet!
Hahaha. I absolutely LOVE your comment Zeb. I say you should at least trim it so that the mullet is not SO extreme. Give the rest of her hair a fighting chance to catch up!!
It doesn't look too extreme to me, yet.... :)
Maybe trim a little and see how it looks- the curl is cute. It's easier to trim more later than wish you hadn't cut too much off.
You guys didn't see Rebekah when she was little and she had a MAJOR mullet. Ask anyone in the ward. I never cut it and it started growing out around 2 years old. So it wouldn't look so bad, I would do mini pigtails on the top half of her hair.
I say leave it! I love the curls!
Since Mom doesn't post, I'll give you her vote. She says trim it. :) Love you like crazy. And, so all these people I don't know don't think I'm mean....Audrey will look adorable no matter what. :)
LEAVE IT! It is not a mullet when it is cute baby curls!!! Hope you have a wonderful mullet filled Christmas!
Audrey little mullet is great. Our babies are exactley two weeks apart. Sienna has a class one mullet, I would call Audrey's a class two. She is adorable. I would give it a little trim. Sienna is close for a trim as well.Love you guys. Love the family blog. Post more often!!!
Leave it. Once you trim it, then other trims quickly follow, and before you know it, they're looking all grown up. Now who wants that?
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