Okay so Hallie was hit with Strep Throat yesterday. She was acting totally normal and then about noon she fell asleep. She was sleeping restlessly and saying her tongue hurt. I felt her forehead and it was hot. Then I saw a rash on her neck and torso. I knew then she had step throat. I took her to the Doctor at 1:15 and her temp was 102. She did have strep. She started antibiotics at 3:00 had two doses by bedtime but her rash was getting really bad. When she woke up this morning she had the rash one her face and lo and behold, poor Hallie has Scarlet Fever. I still can't believe how fast it hit her. She is such a sweet little patient. Looking at her splotchy face makes me want to hug and kiss her and make her aches and pains go away.
It's really hard to tell in the pictures but she has a red rash by her nose and eyes and then her cheeks are bright white.
I better make a note to everyone that scarlet fever is really no biggie nowadays. It is basically a reaction to a certain strain of strep bacteria that not all kids get. The rash looks like a sandpaper sunburn and is all over the body. Luckily we had her on antibiotics 4 hours after she had a fever/rash so she isn't even contagious anymore. It just sounds horrible cause you think of the olden days and how bad it was then. But thank goodness we live in these times! :)
As soon as you said where the rash was, I could see it faintly. She looks so pleasant, I don't know if my kids would let me take their photo unless they were taking some good medication. I hope she is better soon.
Oh, first Claire throwing up at school and now this?? You are a trooper. I hope Hallie feels better soon and that your family can catch a break! Give her a kiss from us.
The poor girl! I saw the words scarlet fever and felt like I should fly to Texas! I'm assuming it is nothing to freak out about. Hallie is an absolute angel. I can't believe how sweet she looks when she is in such misery! I wish I could be there to hold her on my lap and watch movies with her!
The first thing Robby said when he saw that last picture of her was..."that is such a Claire smile." He as so right! Claire does the tight-lipped smile in pictures and it was cute to see Hallie following suit.
Love and miss you!
-Your Favorite Sister
Hallie is just a doll. I love her little voice. As you know, her Auntie Angie loves her.I love when she calls to talk to me out of the blue. Give her hugs and kisses from my family. Tanner had scarlet fever once. It sounds worse than it is. Makes me feel like were on Dr. Quinn Medicine woman. Just for the record Steph- you are NOT the favorite sister!
By the way, obviously Justin did not leave the comment above! :)
Ang, you and Steph are hilarious!
Love you guys!
:( I hope Hallie is up to her usual self soon, she looks so innocent in those pictures! :) Hope you get a break soon too!
-Your favorite Lindsey
She is cute!
How sad. I would have to say that is the worst part about being a mom. It is so sad when they look at you like, "do something" and there really isn't anything you can do. Hope she gets better soon and the other two don't get it!
Poor thing. I hope Hallie feels better soon, it's no fun being sick. I feel like I haven't seen you guys forever, are we still in the same ward? ;)
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