They said it was "nurses elbow" which is very common in small kids. One of the 2 bones in the elbow gets popped out and the nurse or Doctor just turns their elbow and it pops back. She was using her arm within a minute and acted as if nothing happened. Talk about a quick recovery! But make a mental note not to pick your kids up by one arm so you don't have to go through the guilt that I did! :) I sure learned my lesson.
So anyway the ER doctor wanted to x-ray it just to make sure everything was okay. When he got the x-ray back he said she had a buckle fracture on her forearm. What? How could I have buckle fractured her forearm (which happens when you fall on an outstretched arm) by lifting her off the ground? Well, after seeing another Doctor we knew that Audrey had broken her arm within the last few weeks and we just didn't know. How sad is that? The poor little thing was walking around with a broken arm for who knows how long. She just cut her molars so I have attributed her fussiness to that. I know now why she cries when I get her dressed; because I have to press on her arm and twist it to get it in the sleeve. :( The Doctor put a sling on and referred her to an orthopedic specialist.
The orthopedic specialist said 30-40% of these fractures are never discovered and that I shouldn't feel bad. Since they don't hurt as bad as other fractures most people don't know they have them. Luckily we were able to catch her fracture because of the nurses elbow. Who knows how long this fracture would have taken to heal and how long she would have been miserable. So I guess the visit to the ER was a blessing in disguise.
When they asked us what color cast we wanted this morning for Audrey my answer was "HOT PINK!!!" After 2-3 people calling her a little boy in the waiting room (which I get frequently), despite her pink shirt and bow on it, I wanted something that screamed GIRL!! She was so good when they were casting her arm and was the star every time we were in a Doctor's office. She would say "hi" "bye" and "thank you" for everyone and they all thought she was adorable. She has such a fun personality. She will have it on for 2 weeks and then they will re x-ray it. Hopefully she will be done after that.
Isn't she adorable? She has been the best little patient.
Cute pictures. There were to many points to comment on but, yes she is sweet, glad we haven't had to go through that, and I totally understand the He's so cute thing.
Way to be tough Audrey. What a trooper! She seriously is such a good little girl! And the pink cast is great!
What a tough little girl! Don't be too hard on yourself. I was the one who put Ben on the counter in his bouncer seat when he was 8 months old and saw him fall off to break his I kinda of know how you feel! I still get sick thinking about it! They heal super quick and don't even remember it! I always pick my kids up by one arm because it's the only thing I can get a hold of so I think I won't do that anymore!
Oh my gosh-those pictures are adorable! I love her pink cast, good choice. :)
I had to come read your blog when Phillip told me that Audrey was wearing a cast at church. What a story. I am glad she is ok. She's a tough cookie. I love the pictures of her. She is so adorable.
she's so cute... i love her little cast!
Poor girl! She is so adorable though with the sweetest little voice, I'm sure she stole the hearts of all the nurses and doctors!
My heart is breaking for the little cutie! My sis did have her shoulder dislocated when another sibling pulled her up by one arm, so I am cautious! But how scary ... I can't believe she is such a little munchkin with a cast ... I love, love, love the hot pink!!!
What a story! Like I said before, you guys seem to get the drastic versions of things! Glad you discovered the break and that things are good now. Such a cute little girl!
Oops! Guess you know that Craig isn't Craig. I didn't realize he was logged in. ;)
She is such a sweetheart. Can you imagine how cranky an adult would be with a broken arm that was hurting like crazy?! She is so sweet. I know you felt guilty and am glad that you can feel okay about moving her away from the driveway. You are a fantastic mom!
Zeb! Three girls, wow! I just found your blog--glad to know you guys are doing well. I thought you fell of the face of the earth! Email me sometime (
Zeb! Three girls, wow! I just found your blog--glad to know you guys are doing well. I thought you fell of the face of the earth!
So as I was reading your story I had already had a good idea of what had happened. We covered the same thing last block in class. It was good that the doc at least did an X-ray becaus some won't thinking that there isn't a need once the radius is back in place. One of the boys in our last ward had a similar dislocation and they didn't xray it and it ended up being broken. So they had to go back two days later because he still wouldn't use it. She is very cute in those pictures
I love the pink cast...she is such a tough little girl! Glad you guys got it all figured out! Thanks for the tip on not grabbing them by one arm!
I think the heart on the cast is also very cute. Way to be brave Audrey!
I just have a few minutes before I need to take a shower but I am sorry you went through that. I am glad Audrey is doing well. She looks really cute in her pictures. she doesn't look like a boy. People you don't know always say crazy things.
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