Claire brought this picture home from school today. I couldn't help but grin when I saw the picture. Right down to the earrings and crown, she is all dressed up. She said they even put lip gloss on her. Is she the cutest Valentine or what?
She adds so much to our family and I am so grateful she is my daughter. When we were on the airplane she was helping Hallie get situated. She was trying to help her put her seatbelt on. She sweetly says, "Sweetie, we need to put your seatbelt on." Another passenger that was helping us said, "Did she just call her sweetie? That is so cute." It was so precious. Claire is the second mom in the family. Every so often I have to remind Claire that I am the mother, not her! I love her dearly and wouldn't change her personality for a thing!
I love you, Claire! You make such a sweet valentine.
She is ALL girl. I love when kids call their younger siblings nicknames like their parents do. It is the perfect example of how kids follow their parents example, good thing she didn't call her a bad name :)
she looks so cute! i miss your girls...and you and zeb!
So cute! It's good you have a helper. I hope mine grows up to be a helper in the coming years! ;)
Ahhh, she looks like she is dressed for the prom or something....tell her not to rush it. It will happen soon enough. She is such a pretty girl. Good luck with keeping the boys away.
My little Claire... I just love you. What a doll you are. You are good big sister and a big help to your mommy. I love you and I am proud ouf you. Love, Auntie Angie
She is such a sweetheart! Her little personality makes me smile whenever I think about her. All of your girls are just beyond adorable. I love them to pieces and wish I could be there for every cute little thing they do. Thanks for keeping us up to date with stories and pictures.
Wow...I don't think you could get a girly-er picture if you tried. You are such a cutie Claire!
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