I did find that the scotch eraser pads worked like magic. They took everything off (apparently you can take that literally). I thought they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. That is until I realized my doors are half/shiny and half/flat now. They even made streaks on my walls. I'm telling you I went to town and got so many things off, THEN I realized these take the paint off as well. I was suddenly not so impressed with them.
So that leaves me at square one. I am asking all of you, "How do you wash walls with flat paint?" Maybe I just don't know all the tricks that everyone else does. HELP!
We have the same problem. One of our girls and I won't say which one, had lipgloss on and decided to kiss the wall, (that's only one mark, there are several others). Our walls look awful and we can not find a solution either. We've even asked our landlord for touch up paint a handful of times, he's not even willing to help. I guess they'll just have a big painting party when we leave. We've learned one thing as I'm sure you have, when the time comes to purchase your own home, FLAT paint is out of the question!
Ouch. Good luck chica...I'm no help.
It is not just Texas- our walls in our apartment in CA were flat, it is because it is cheaper and they want to charge us for repainting (I didn't find that the case with Texas landlords- they are nice).
Nothing works but repainting when it comes to flat paint- sorry.
I like to keep a small pint of the paint on hand from the 5-gallon drum and use a roller, just touching up all the spots. There is no washing them, and if you do, you will hit drywall and can damage the walls, which will matter more when it's your home that has it, and it will, until you get your hands (and rollers) on it! (Sorry, too opinionated about this!)
As far as I know there is no way to get stuff off your walls if you have flat paint. I think they do it because it is cheap....but be ready to pay the price for glossy when you move out. Landlords over charge. I would get a pint of the color of you walls and just do touch ups. You can get a chip of paint off your walls by your outlets or if you have some paint peeling get it from there. We just had to do that all when we were getting ready to sell our house. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask! Good Luck!
The thing that works best on our walls (along with the wet wipes) is Clorox Clean-up....unfortunately because it's got bleach in it you've got to be extra careful anywhere there's carpet...I use it mainly on the kitchen walls and the hallway where we have tile
We had flat paint in Tucson and I used Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and it took everything off, but not the paint. I thought it was great. (also good when your kid colors on the floor)
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