I came out of the room and immediately walked into my room to see what Hallie was doing...just to make sure there wasn't anything she was into that she shouldn't be. I didn't see her. I went into the living room, no Hallie. Her room, no Hallie. I had been calling her name the whole time, "Hallie where are you?" Then I said, "Hallie answer me now." My voice getting louder as I open the front door and look frantically around. I run back into my room and check all her hiding places, no Hallie. Usually when they are hiding you hear them breather or giggle but I didn't notice anything.
At this point I was totally panicked. In one last search by my bed I yanked the pillows up that are between the wall and the bed. I then see Hallie look up at me completely clueless. She looked so confused that I realized she had fallen asleep!!! She pulled the pillow back up one her and rolled over to go back to sleep!
I just can't believe that she fell asleep in about 3-4 minutes in the first place! And talk about my emotions on a roller coaster!
I'm just glad I found her so quickly.
This experience reminds me of when I was little. When I was about 5 my mom couldn't find me. She looked everywhere in the neighborhood and the house. She was so upset and so panicked. They were about to call the police when she came into her room crying. She sat down on her bed and I sat up and asked, "Mommy why are you crying?" I guess it took her a bit longer to find me. I only looked for Hallie for about a minute and a half, but talk about panic! And I can't even imagine looking for 20 minutes!
Travis and I went for a walk when we were very little. We crossed the highway and walked along it to go play. Sister Mecham call mom to see if she knew that we were at her house. Mom had no idea. I am glad you found her so quick.
I can only imagine those feelings as a parent. We lost my brother once during hide-n-seek. He had hid under a bed and fallen asleep. It took quite a while to find him. My mom was in such a panic, such a scary feeling. I'm glad you found her.
How scary! I think my reaction would be similar. It seems that when I want/need the boys to fall asleep fast, it takes FOREVER and when I want them to stay awake a little longer, they are asleep before they stop moving. Glad you found her fast.
You know what's funny? I don't even have your number. I always just walk over.
Scary, at least don't live in an apartment complex. I would have been freaking out. Were getting excited. What movie are you talking about? Is it the ballet one?
That feeling of not being able to find them is the worst! But she did look so peaceful sleeping!
I've lost Jacob before...he did the same thing to me....he feel asleep hiding behind my rocking chair.
Oh my! Pee, I literally felt sick to my stomach thinking about how panicked you must have felt. I adore all of my nieces and nephews SO much. The thought of ANYTHING happening to one of them is....yeah, I'd rather not go there. It makes me sick. She is such an angel. I'm glad your panic didn't last long!! I SO remember hearing that story about Mom not being able to find you. (Since I was two I don't remember it actually happening....only the story.) We miss you.
I think I would have had a heart attack--the pictures are really cute though.
I did that as a kid (but under my bed) and about scared my parents to death! Guess it's just payback for them to do it to us!
How scary ... I hate the emotional roller coaster rides! Love the bella ballerina shots of your girls! They are absolutely adorable!
So I came across your family blog...didn't realize you had two! Duh...anyways, I can only imagine how panicked you were! Having a swimming pool stresses me out big time when I lose track of Chloe!
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