I remember last year when we started the joy school Hallie was extremely disappointed when she found out she wasn't going to a school like Claire. She did have a lot of fun but initially felt jipped cause it wasn't "real" school!

We had so much fun this morning getting ready for her first day. With Claire having gone to school for a few years I totally forgot to take pictures. But with me forgetting Claire's until after school and it being Hallie's first day of "real" school I took a few more! ;)

Doesn't she look so grown up? I love the pictures and what a good sport she was. When we got to the car she said, "Do I take my backpack off?" "Do I put my lunch on the ground?" She was so funny.
This was one of the conversations in the car:
"Mom I have a crush."
"Really? Who do you have a crush on?"
"I have a crush on Josh."
"Oh, Josh who?"
"Josh on High School Musical "(I think she meant Troy) Note: she has never seen the movie! ;)
"Oh you do? What does it mean to have a crush?"
"It means....I don't know what it means."
Then she said, "Mom are you going to my school?" I told her yes we were going to school. Then she calmly told me it wasn't the way to her school.

After getting to school (it turns out I did know the way!) her teacher Mrs. Annette had a project for them to start on. I was totally worried that Hallie was going to be sad and clingy and that she would cry. Much to my surprise she sat right down and started coloring. Audrey and I gave her kisses and said goodbye and she was as happy as a clam. As I left I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes. She is a big girl. And a sweet one at that! I love you, Hallie!
That is so sweet. I love how she told you, you didn't know where you going but so sweetly.
I can't believe how old your girls are getting. We've been gone a few weeks and it seems like forever. I had no idea Hallie was going to "Real" School this year. How fun for her. Does she go everyday? Leah, what are you going to do with one child and all that time on your hands?
I love, love, love that first pic. of Hallie. She looks absolutely beautiful. How did Audrey do without Hallie around?
Hallie looks so adorable in those pigtails. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking of her going to "real" school. That means that Teancum will be there before I know it.
"It means.... I don't know what it means."
I can totally picture her saying that! She looked very very cute. And you can tell how excited she was.
How fun for you... some one on one with Audrey and some time to yourself!
oh i love that she has a crush but she doesn't know what it means. i remember my first crush...elvis. yes, elvis presley. i remember seeing him on t.v. (some movie), and i asked my mom who he was. i thought he was handsome. in my defense, this was pre-vegas, pudgy elvis. and i was probably five...
Hey, I know what Leah will do with only one kid on her hands...scrapbook! :) I don't like the thought of Briel going off to real school! I don't think she'll go in calm like Hallie did...but hopefully she'll surprise me. I'm glad we still have another year. Preschool two days, for two hours, is enough for me. Cute kids you have! Her hair has grown a ton, too!
Leah...I am so a fan of leaving a comment on every post...however I have been using google reader and I forgot your blog was private so I haven't checked it for a while...let me just start at the begining.
#1 How do you know Hannah...I saw you left a comment on her blog?
#2 Your girls look so cute for school...how fun to have 1 at home, and I love her singing with barbie.
#3 speaking of singing...I totally love the girls singing Kareokee...yikes not spelled right, but Claire singing like the real lady is to die for...gotta love that, I can totally see Whitley doing that some day!
#4 those Cupcakes were so cute...what were they made of? You could totally pull that off!
Sorry for the delay on Comments on my part...take care!
Okay Leah...I am totally loosing it! Somehow I got to your friends the greenmuns blog and totally thought it was my friends blog and that you knew her...I left a comment on her blog and I feel like a compleat idiot...Oh my heck...I don't know how I did that...will you tell her I am so sorry...that is why in my last comment I said "how do you know hannah" Oh my goodness I feel so stupid, she probably thinks I am such a fool!
Love the pictures. What a doll. She is getting so grown up. Glad you captured her first day of "Real school." She is too cute. Love the concentrating picture.
I can't believe Hallie is already in "real" school! She is getting so big and is such a little sweetheart. You're the best for posting pictures so that I don't feel like we're too disconnected. She is so photogenic! Audrey isn't going to know what to do with all of this one on one time.
Again, second "angie" comment was from me. Oh, and I LOVE that Hallie said she had a crush when 1) she didn't know who the guy was and 2) didn't know what crush meant. :) She is adorable.
What a cute little conversation you guys had. Must be bitter sweet to see the girls go through all these new phases. Fun to hear about!
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