We have had our first experience with a child getting stitches. The "incident" happened while we were having some friends over for dinner. I heard Claire screaming and I thought that her friends had been chasing her again. Girls ALWAYS have to scream when a boy chase them...it's a rule isn't it? Anyway, I learned quickly that she was hurt and saw a big gash inside her lip. She had been playing with a pole ( a wooden dowel ) and jumped off the bed with it. She fell on it and ended up biting her lip. She didn't bite through but after a few hours the hole was very large and was soon exposed. So I told Zeb I thought I should take her to the ER.

Sure enough she needed 2 stitches. Apparently if the cut is inside the mouth they don't stitch it but if you can see it on the outside they will most likely stitch it. When the nurse practitioner told Claire this she
freaked out a little. After I explained that they would numb it with a shot that would sting a little and that she wouldn't feel the stitches she was better. We said a little prayer together and they came to stitch it. She was so brave and only whimpered a little after 3 shots in her lip. I probably would have cried. I am a wuss. She did so good. She even laughed after the shots were done and said, "That tickled." What a good sport.

Here she is with the cut closed up.

Just a little swollen! Not too bad. The stitches will dissolve and within a few days she should be able to eat normal things. But hey, who wouldn't want to eat
popsicles and yogurt as long as they could?
She asked if she could keep her hospital bracelet to remember when she is older because in her words, "I probably won't remember when I got stitches."
I love you, Claire. Way to be brave today!
AHH. She looks so sad with her open lip. And she probably is right, I don't remember so many things from my childhood (but that is why I have sisters that remember for me). I am so glad you remembered to take your camera to the ER- I would have forgotten it.
So sad! What a brave little girl. I had to get stiches on my upper lip when I was 5 and I still remember them having to put me in a straight jacket to hold me down! Agh...I am glad I didn't have a picture of that!
OUCH! I remember when zebby bit his tongue as a little boy and nearly bit all the way through it. there was so much blood. poor claire! she's a trooper.
Oh, poor thing. That looks like it hurts. Glad she was such a trooper.
I just pray she doesn't become accident prone like I was!! I can't believe how well she handled the entire thing. I know from PLENTY of experience that those shots seriously hurt! I loved her cute little message on your way back from the emergency room. Next time we talk I need to talk to all of the girls so that they don't forget who their favorite aunt is!! I love you like crazy and am sorry I have been so insanely busy lately. I worked a 13 hour day yesterday and came in at 6:30 again this morning. Yuck. I really am lucky to have a job though and am learning a LOT. Talk to you soon.
I just pray she doesn't become accident prone like I was!! I can't believe how well she handled the entire thing. I know from PLENTY of experience that those shots seriously hurt! I loved her cute little message on your way back from the emergency room. Next time we talk I need to talk to all of the girls so that they don't forget who their favorite aunt is!! I love you like crazy and am sorry I have been so insanely busy lately. I worked a 13 hour day yesterday and came in at 6:30 again this morning. Yuck. I really am lucky to have a job though and am learning a LOT. Talk to you soon.
She is so sweet! It is so sad to see our kids get hurt and look at you with these big eyes like, "help me, do something about this!"
Trey just burned his hand on the stove and is seriously was so sad! He screamed/cried for at least an hour straight. I'm not going to lie, me eyes watered up a little for him!
That looks bad! Glad she was brave. :)
ouchie--what a brave kid. Hope she feels better.
Oh - what a tough chick! I guess we all need experiences like that though, right? Hopefully her sisters just don't try to reinact it :) I hope you guys are doing well!
Claire! You are SO brave! I'm so happy that you got it all taken care of, and your cute little lips will be back to normal in no time! Scary though, geez!
Way to go Claire! Only the toughest of tough can make it through stiches with a smile on their face!
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