...does so much it is almost unreal.
He starts his day around 4:30 or 5:00 each morning to finish reading a few cases before he leaves for school at 7:00. His classes start at 7:45 and he goes until an hour break for lunch. Only he doesn't break for an hour. He takes about 20 minutes to eat and then hits his homework so he can get as much done as he can. He goes to more class and comes home at about 4:00. After saying hi to me for about 2 and a half minutes he heads back to the office (the girls are in one room now) to study until dinner. He puts ear plugs in and I try really hard to keep the girls quiet while I make dinner. I call him for dinner about 5:30 and we spend about 15 minutes together to eat. Right after he heads back to the office for more reading. After clean-up and baths I read a few stories to the girls and it's bed time. When the girls are ready he comes in to kiss them and say family prayer. He then goes immediately back to the room to study. He usually comes out around 9 for a snack and then hits to books once more. He'll study until about 10:30 and then it's bedtime. His alarm is set for 4:30 to finish the last cases and start another day.
What about the weekends? Well this past weekend bless his heart he set the alarm and got up at 4:30. Seriously. He wanted to spend the weekend with us so he forced himself to get up and read more cases. After about 5 hours he was done. But then an email from his professor came that said there will be extra reading.
He uses every second he can to get his work done so he can be done at a decent hour. He works so hard to be prepared for class every day and read each case. I think in the first 2 weeks he has read 1200-1500 pages of cases. After the first week of classes Brother Romer asked him how he felt about being the Executive Secretary. Zeb didn't hesitate at all. Not one bit. He amazes me. He will do whatever the Lord asks of him. Even though he is in his hardest quarter of law school he is committed to do what the Lord calls him to do. So Saturday night he worked on the agendas for bishopric and welfare meeting and set the alarm for 5:30. His Sundays now start at 6. Yet after his meetings he was right there waiting at the door to help me bring the girls inside for church.
Amidst all that is going on we haven't heard back from the law firm yet. We are expecting to hear this week..next at the latest. Since it is unknown if we have an offer he applied to 5 different law firms. The outcome? Not one interview. But you know what? That didn't discourage him at all. He knows something will work out. He is amazing. I love him more than I can even express. He is such a strength to me and our family. I am so lucky. We are so lucky.
How am I holding up? Well let's say there are days I am a fun and happy mom with extra patience and have it all held together incredibly well. And then there are days I feel like the wicked witch of the West...that's the bad one, right? I try I really do. I love my girls so much and wish I had the patience of a saint. But I just take one day at a time and hope for a good day when I wake up. I love my family so much and wonder how I got such an amazing husband and wonderful children.