Can she come into your home to share a message with you?
Who could say no to a face like this!
Zeb has been so busy with school that he tries to use every moment he can to spend time with the girls. After homework and before bishopric meetings he took the girls' princess table and chairs outside and they had oreos and milk together. I love it.
Audrey couldn't be cuter. She cracks me up in those glasses...I love it. Zeb is such a great dad. I love that Claire, Hallie and Zeb are facing the camera, but Audrey is FAR too concerned with the milk and Oreos to face forward. What a doll. Love you.
Ahhhhh!!! I can't believe you are prego! Wow girl you are smokin' me. We were neck & neck their for ONE MINUTE...I am so excited for you!!! Mostley because it is not me...I am going for a record here! No seriously though I am excited for you and I don't know if you are hoping for a boy, but I think all girls at this point for me would be on board with that?
Your hubby having a Tea Party with the girls was so cute!!!
Hope you are feeling great...good luck!
I love that last picture of reminds me of Zebby when he was little. The way one eye scrunches up looks so much like him.
Cute pictures. I really need to update ours, but I haven't had time. In fact I should probably be doing something else right now. I am going to have to try the tea party idea, I think the girls would love it.
So cute! What is Zeb's calling now? Audrey is looking more and more like your other two. NO, I can't believe they're almost TWO!!!!!
Wow, your family is getting so big...and congratulations on the new one coming! And congrats on staying in Texas! Way to go Zeb. Take care
CONGRATULATIONS ON BABY NUMBER 4! I wonder what little he-fish will look like! I mean your girls are so so beautiful, I think you should just keep rolling with the ladies!!!
Love the pass along card. I am interested in learing more about familes being together forver. Could Audrey please come to our home to share her message? How I wish she could. Love the little tea party. Zeb is a great Daddy. Love you and miss you.
Oh my goodness your girls are so cute and funny! You have a wonderful family!
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