After telling the news of our job offer we decided, "What the heck, we might as well spill all the beans!"
We are excited to tell you we have:

....and it's been in there for over 12 weeks. Yes, you read that right. We normally spill the beans a lot sooner but decided to wait this time. We are so excited (and scared) to have our fourth baby! It will be a new adventure. We feel so blessed for so many reasons and can't wait to meet this new little one.
Love you all,
Zeb, Leah, Claire, Hallie, Audrey, and girl number 4...or is it a boy?
I can't even tell you how excited I am. I totally screamed when I saw the picture (and then, as you know, called you instantly)! I can't believe we are due SO close together. Mom isn't gonna know how on earth to split her time! I wish we could live closer, but we will just have to call each other constantly. I can't tell you how happy I am for you and how much I look up to you. You and Zeb are such phenomenal parents and I have definitely been taking mental notes. I love you!!
AAAAHHHHHH!!!! I am SO excited for you guys. You seriously are amazing-I can't think of anyone who could handling a 4th baby as well as you will. I am still wondering if I will be able to have a 3rd and remain you are inspiration and an awesome example that it can be done. How have you been feeling? You better post some belly pics! :) So glad you aren't going until March by the way, phew!
Are you kidding me? I am so excited. I have to admit I feel a little left out, both my little sisters are pregnant... I'd better get right on it!! So excited for you and Zeb. What is your due date? My guess is BOY all the way.
So happy for you. Love you. I'll call you in the morning!!
I am with Angie!!!! It is totally a boy!! Ya! I was worried that Emmett wouldn't have anyone to play with, but now he will have little Luke!!! Thanks for the wonderful news!! Love you.
Congrats babe...what a lucky baby. :)
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. So now we have a bunch more cousins all born around the same time. We think that it has to be a boy. Congrats
I am so happy that you are having a baby. Please email my mom back about a boy baby or a girl. The end.
I hope your having a baby soon. We haven't been together for a long time and I want to tell you I love you. One more things, one, two, three, will you count me in. How been your kids. Please email yes or no.
P.S. You are the best Fishes. You are a cute Aunt.
YAY! Sooo excited for your cute family. My guess is a boy. Zeb needs a bud now that Braeden isn't around anymore. ;) I bet your girls can't wait.
if it's not a boy, i disown you! i disavow any relationship to you!!! just kidding. that's four grand babies again. i just knew you couldn't let carol go it alone!!! and this time they'll be in the same class and everything.
Oh my goodness! Congrats!!! That is so great. I hope that it is a boy...they are so much fun. Plus it will add a little extra something to your mainly girl family. Either way how exciting!!!
Congrats! How fun and exciting for your family :)
I am so excited for you guys! You two really are wonderful parents. I hope that it is a boy. I think that everyone needs at least one of each. I am so glad that our little girl will have someone her age to play with when we get together! Fun!
For the record, you have had your little fun and can no longer play the game on gender when you find out. In fact, I recall only making you guys wait a couple of hours to find out what it was. So a few hours vs. several months. I want to know what that baby is now! Oh wait I already do, it's a boy. You guys are totally following us. Just like you did when you moved to Texas. Oh, wait... hmm. Anyway Congrats.
As cute as your girls are, I hope it's a boy for Zeb's sake! ;) It's nice having kids from each gender. :) Congrats!
hey long time friends of college park- congrats on number four- you 100 percent super mom! We miss you guys ton- and are always in need of a ZebnLeah 1-2 combo. Zeb- nice work in landing the gig.
Holy Cow! You have now doubled us! I sure hope that you get a boy so you can see what fun I get to deal with every day! Ha! Congrats to you guys!
Alright!!! Ned said Zeb said you were but I wasn't about to trust Zeb! Sorry Zeb but you are pretty good at tricking people:) Congrats! Can't wait to hear what it is.
YAY! I'm so excited for you guys! Your girls are simply beautiful - of course you need to keep passing on those great genes :)
Congratulations on Zeb's job too. You guys have been working so hard for so long... you deserve the best!
I am so excited for you both. Though your girls are absolutely adorable I think you need to experience a little boy. They are a lot of fun! ~Meredith
Wow,congratulations!! I can't believe you're gonna have 4 kids! You are such a great mom! I feel overwhelmed sometimes with 2 kids!
Congrats on the job too! That is so wonderful! You guys deserve it!
Congratulations you guys. You're so lucky to be blessed with another little soul to love and you do so well with the three you already have that I'm sure you will do awesome with number 4. We have good friends down the street that just had their fourth girl and I really believe they come to you as a girl or a boy for a reason and it will be awesome either way, I know you know that though! I wish we could share our families and frienships more closely, but I'm so happy you guys are doing so well and still love each other so much. It's awesome to see families staying close to each other, living right, and loving one another as much as you guys seem to. I love you!
Wow...that is so exciting! Can't wait for you guys!
CONGRATS!!!! My hands are pretty full with 3 kids right now...can't imagine how busy you'll be with 4!! Sounds like you kids are staying in TX. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!!
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