Pay It Forward
Pay it forward...The rules
1. Be one of the first THREE (3) bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me - something crafty or yummy, only I know.
2. Winners must post this challenge on their blog, meaning that they will Pay IT Forward, creating a handmade gift- anything! for the first THREE (3) bloggers who leave a comment on their post about the giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make and/ or ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember: it's the spirit and the thought that counts!
4. When you receive your gift, feel free to post about it, sharing appropriate pictures and comments! If you are not one of the first three to comment on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your friends to do the same!SO, REMEMBER...Pay It Forward!Let's help make this a wonderful world to live in and show our friends how much we care for them :)
Saw this post on Kirsten's blog and thought it was awesome. It gets me excited thinking about what I will make for the 3 that leave a comment. Granted, the gifts I make will be sent after the move and after Julia arrives but I will do it!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
35 Weeks and Counting!

Alright here is proof, Steve and Josh, that Julia is still a girl!!! We are definitely not having a boy! In less than 5 weeks our fourth little princess will arrive. We are so excited!
Our sweet little Julia. I can't wait to meet her.
Here are the upcoming dates for our family:
February 24-26th: Zeb takes the bar. Hooray!
March 7th: Move to Dallas
March 9th: Claire starts her new school.
March 27: Julia's due date.
April 1: Zeb starts his new job.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Valentine's Day Fun
My Valentine's Day started early with me waking from a deep sleep to the sound of crinkling money. For those of you that know me I don't do well waking from a deep sleep to something different than the norm. When I was finally coherent Zeb told me Happy Valentine's Day and I pulled the money out from under the covers. He gave me money to get Su! Big Shot die cut machine and new dies. Talk about surprise. I am VERY excited to order it! Thanks, babe!
After an unsuccessful attempt at a walk with Cindy and her Mom (way too cold...the kids just cried) I had a doughnut delivery from Emma (we bought heart shaped doughnuts from Daylight Doughnuts). They were delish. Thanks for picking them up Emma!
Then for dinner Zeb and I got a babysitter and we went out the 2 of us. We went earlier than senior citizens but we didn't have to wait to be seated (all part of the 4:45 plan)! ;)
We had a great time and loved every minute.
We had an awesome Valentine's Day!!!!! How was yours?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fun Times!
My mom got here a day earlier than Zeb's parents so she had Friday to spend with us. Claire had been sick with a cold and fever and was going to stay home Friday. When Claire's fever broke Thursday early in the morning she realized she might have to go to school. She walks into our room at 5a.m. and says, "I'm not sick anymore but I don't want to go to school. I want to stay home and spend time with Gram." I told her she could stay home and to go back to bed! How cute.
Zeb and his Dad went to an outdoors store here in Waco that turned out to be total WT. Nice. We had great visits with my mom and his parents and are so glad they came.
We love you!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Zeb...the Graduate!
Well, the day finally arrived!!!! When the music started playing for the graduates to walk to their seats it hit me. Zeb really is graduating!
Just before the ceremony started I was reading through the program. I came upon a page where there were sentiments from each of the graduates. I had no idea the graduates did this and when I saw Zeb's name and read what he said, boy did the flood gates open.
He wrote:
"Through discouragement or accomplishment, stress or a smile, you've always been by my side. Your work is far more significant than any test I have ever taken. Yet despite the magnitude of your task, you've always had the time and strength to see me through."
Luckily I closed the flood gates quickly since I would have sobbed pretty hard and for quite a while! ;)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Here's one with me telling the judge that
grapefruit are supposed to be large and round.
I think my hands are over exaggerating the
size of most grapefruit, but you get the idea.
(Not really, the case had nothing to do with grapefruit)
Here's me sporting a sweet double chin!
The best part is that I was impeaching the crap
out of this guy - double chin and all. In fact,
I was so good that I sent him into a state
of temporary paralysis. Notice the stiff arms and
distant stare. As you can see, the judge was
rather concerned.
This is a picture of another bench conference.
Tim (the guy holding up his left hand) is about
to backhand the guy in the tan suit. I really picked
a bad spot because the backhand caused a
string of spit to fly from tan-suit man's mouth
and cover my tie. At Baylor we're taught to be
Here is a picture of all but two of the attorneys.
the two ends are defense attorneys for the two
defendants, and the people in the center
are the plaintiff's attorneys. The guy on the left
has a detonator control in his hand and he's
going to click it if his witness sucks. He should
have clicked it.
And last but not least, this is the picture that
scored me a sweet make out session with Leah
after the trial was over. She said this picture
helped her get over the one with the double chin.
Frankly I think I just look angry, but I'm told
that I looked just like this all week.
Monday, February 2, 2009
What's going on?
With Zeb...
We are happy to report that Zeb finished his last set of law school finals last Saturday!!! What a relief that is. I still can't believe he graduates in 5 days! We have talked about it for so long that it isn't real that it's only a few days away.
The girls...
Audrey plays really well with her older sisters and gives me long stretches of time to myself. It is really nice. One morning last week when Claire was at school she played great with Hallie. Here is what they were up to:
Everyone keeps telling me I need another belly shot. I always get after my sister Steph about posting belly shots and pretty much anyone that is pregnant. I love too see pregnant tummy's, but I will say that it feels really weird to post a picture of yourself and write about it. I can see why weeks go by without a shot. Too bad I can't just look at everyone else's pictures and never post my own! ;)
That's all for now! Just think, the next post will be Graduation pictures! CRAZY!
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