With Zeb...
We are happy to report that Zeb finished his last set of law school finals last Saturday!!! What a relief that is. I still can't believe he graduates in 5 days! We have talked about it for so long that it isn't real that it's only a few days away.
The girls...
Audrey plays really well with her older sisters and gives me long stretches of time to myself. It is really nice. One morning last week when Claire was at school she played great with Hallie. Here is what they were up to:
Everyone keeps telling me I need another belly shot. I always get after my sister Steph about posting belly shots and pretty much anyone that is pregnant. I love too see pregnant tummy's, but I will say that it feels really weird to post a picture of yourself and write about it. I can see why weeks go by without a shot. Too bad I can't just look at everyone else's pictures and never post my own! ;)
That's all for now! Just think, the next post will be Graduation pictures! CRAZY!
Cutest belly ever. What a fun time for you guys. WAY TO GO ZEB!!
Congrats on Graduation. Graduation didn't hit me until Bryan was working and we were getting paychecks (and even now I wish we were back in school).
Your girls are too cute. I love when my boys play nicely together so I can get stuff done.
2000 minutes is a long time, Good Job Claire.
Seriously, you have such a small belly. I think I posted a belly photo once and not really on purpose. So good job on what you have done.
Congratulations you guys! We are so very happy for you. Yay for coming to Dallas!
Claire, very good job little lady! Have fun with your teacher.
Leah, number four and you're still so small. Good job!
Your the best mom! It really isn't that bad. Babies sleep so good and all the time at first that it will just feel the same for a while. Your girls will be amazing helpers, too.
Congrats!!! Tell Zeb.
Yes, it is still very surreal they are graduating but super exciting! I love Audrey's outfit too so creative!
Leah, you have carried off all of your pregnancies with such ease, you have looked darling through each one! I miss seeing the girls, they were so fun at Christmas.. I'll ask Peyton.. what would you like to do today bud? And he'll instantly reply " I want to go see Claire, Hallie,& Audrey.. and then Cora, Jess & Maren" " We have an airport in Salt Lake City Mom"! How I wish we could be there to celebrate Zeb's graduation with you all.. please know I wish we could be there! What an awesome accomplishment. We are so very proud of him! We love you all, Bernadette
I am so excited for you all! But you knew that! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!!!!!
Yeah for the graduation pictures coming our way! :) And you're 33 weeks in that pic??? I think I look about like you and I'm 12 1/2... Guess some things will never change, huh? ;)
You are definetely the tiniest pregnant woman I've ever seen!
Four is no different than three. Anything after two is crazy. :) At least you have little mothers to help!
I'm pretty sure my belly is bigger than yours now. I will post pictures for proof...I'm so not kidding. I love the pictures of the girls. They make me so happy. Love you.
You are too cute when you are prego! You got the smallest belly ever! I wish I looked like you when I was pregnant.
You are too cute when you are prego! You got the smallest belly ever! I wish I looked like you when I was pregnant.
So cute...I can't believe how small you are for 33 weeks. I know you probably don't feel it, but you are. And so beautiful too.
Super cute tummy. Love that green shirt, by the way. The girls are too cute in their swimming suits. COngrats to Zeb and to you!!
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