Well, the day finally arrived!!!! When the music started playing for the graduates to walk to their seats it hit me. Zeb really is graduating!
Just before the ceremony started I was reading through the program. I came upon a page where there were sentiments from each of the graduates. I had no idea the graduates did this and when I saw Zeb's name and read what he said, boy did the flood gates open.
He wrote:
"Through discouragement or accomplishment, stress or a smile, you've always been by my side. Your work is far more significant than any test I have ever taken. Yet despite the magnitude of your task, you've always had the time and strength to see me through."
Luckily I closed the flood gates quickly since I would have sobbed pretty hard and for quite a while! ;)

Here he is after he was hooded. I love the excitement you can see on his face.

One question: Why do they make the robes so incredibly puffy?

Josh and Carol drove down with their 4 kids to be here. What troopers! I love this picture of the six girls. Thanks for coming!

Well Zeb, I can't believe the day came and went. For three years, (well the eight we have been married), we have been talking about this day. I can't even express the deep respect and admiration I have for you and what you have accomplished. The strength and dedication you have shown in school, to your family and in church has been nothing short of amazing. You have balanced your life in a way that not many others can or could. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I am so proud of you...

Here he is with Devin and Chad. They all started and finished law school together!

My mom flew here for the special day. It was so wonderful to spend time with her. Thanks so much for coming, Mom. We love you! I am also happy to report that my dad had his last round of chemo a few days before and is finished with his treatments!

Zeb's parents drove here for graduation. Talk about support! The girls were on cloud nine all weekend with 3 of their grandparents here. Thank you for all of your love and support.

After graduation we got a babysitter and went out to dinner with the parents. I fed the girls before we left and here is Audrey showing what we feel like after law school. Wiped out and exhausted. Although we are tired, it is hard to describe the emotions of being done. We did it! We made it through and are so happy it is behind us.
Congratulations! I've been thinking about you all weekend. I'm so proud of both of you, for all your hard work. And I sort of had to choke back the tears from what Zebby wrote. What a good person he is. Love you guys!!!
Congratulations! You are both so amazing! What a great accomplishment!
Congrats!! I'm so happy and excited for you! It seriously gives me butterflies to look at your pics and imagine us in there! Love the smiles!
Those were fun pictures to look at. What an emotional rollercoaster that day is! Congratulations both of you. And even though we are excited for you to come up here I know that there will be many days when you will wish for the care free life of law school! I know right, I called it care free!
Hooray! My one sad thing is that we didn't get pics together as the wives. bummer. It's truly has been wonderful to know I've had your shoulder and listening ear these last three years. You are wonderful Leah.
Congratulations Leah, Zeb and girls. We are so proud of you. Wish we could've been there. I love the way you have supported each other through this process. We love you, guys so much. Miss you. Congrats.
What a special time for you guys...thanks for sharing it. I loved what Zeb wrote for his graduation program...to you! How sweet was that!! We sure are gonna miss you guys.
YAY!! Congratulations!! I am so excited for you guys! What a huge accomplishment!! Great pictures of the great day!! Wow! I can't wait till it is us!!
Congratulations! You guys are amazing. So when does Zeb start his new job?
I know that I've already said it before, but I am so happy and excited for you guys!!! Leah, how are the flood gates???
Cant wait to have you closer!!!
love you guys.
p.s. I'll have what Audrey is having. Looks good! ;)
Congratulations! we are so excited for you.
So happy for all of you! Congratulations!
Im sure the whole things has been surreal. You guys are done. FOREVER. No more PC (thank heaven) no more finals, no more stinkin' Prof. Powel, and the best... NO MORE STUDENT LOANS, real, no interest income.. Yahoo!
The family picture of you guys turned out great. Can't wait for Eric's turn to look like a Harry Potter wanna-be!
Yeah for your family, too!!!! I'm glad we all survived it! That last picture of Audrey really does sum it up! ;)
P.S. Craig called the bookstore the other day and left a message about the framing. They called him today and gave him a website where we can order it. So, thanks anyway. :)
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