Lately I have been feeling exhausted. I feel like I am never caught up on things. Just when something gets clean something else gets dirty. Just when the laundry is done, another load is waiting. I even have Megan here helping and yet I still find myself tired and behind on almost everything.
So I guess I am asking all of you if you know a secret I don't?
Is the difference between 3 and 4 kids that things never really get completely done, or am I missing something? Is it wrong for me to want my house looking the way I want it to? Or am I wiped out from the last 3 years of school?
All I know is I feel like I am drowning in all that needs to be done and need to come up for air. How do I do that?
P.S. Here is a picture of the girls after a ward luau where they had their faces painted. They LOVED it!
I don't think there is a secret, I think you're just going through the period where you're 3 month old creates a lot more laundry than you can keep up with and having all the girls at home doesn't help. Try doing one load a day and getting the kids out of the house where they can't make too many messes that you have to clean. Till life slows down, I'll be thinking of you...and even after it does.
I obviosly don't have three or even four kids to keep up I'm not qualified to give advice...Take or leave what you want.
It's not you, its the fact that all the girls are home and they can make messes faster than you can clean them. I tell myself that nursing gives Ethan several hours a day that he can get ahead of me with messes so I'm eternally behind. Don't expect too much out of yourself and just do the minimum for a while. It will get better soon enough. And just feel better knowing that your house looks 10 times better than mine. I'm sure of it! ~Meredith
I agree with the others. Then you will have a one-year-old that makes messes that you don't even know about. Right now my one-year-old is sitting on my kitchen floor with a spatula, singing to himself. The messes are worth it for moments like this.
You are feeling this way for some reason. The key is figuring out why you are feeling rushed and then to decide how to handle it. My best guess would be to examine what things your putting high priorities on that are pushing you to accomplish so much and then examine which of those can be forgotten, which can slide, and which need to be moved up. Hope that helps.
With another on the way in a few weeks, I don't want to be thinking about any of this. I'm saying "HELP," already.......
Their are so many who ADORE you. I, being at the top of the list.... I am sorry things are crazy. I hate that I can't do anything to help... except tell you I love you and that EVERY mother struggles. Remember, Julia is still tiny. You have had your kids fast and it is summer. This is probably as hard as it will be with four little ones. You are a fantastic mother. You are patient, kind, loving, nurturing and fabulous!!! You don't have to be perfect. You manage to still be an awesome wife, sister and daughter on top of everything else. And you are building... Give yourself credit where credit is due. Let things go that don't have to be done and it's okay to ask for help. Just because you are the mom, does not mean that you have to do EVERYTHING by yourself. I LOVE YOU.
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