Last night Julia was fussy so I handed her to Megan while I got her bed ready.
Suddenly the crying stopped. I walked right up to Julia, smiled and said, "I see how it is, you stop crying when Megan is holding you!"
Julia's response? She smiled at me. It was hilarious. She just gave me a big open mouth grin. She is so adorable!
Julia is so cute. Love the sleeping pics. She looks the most list you out of all your girls. Give her kisses form me. Love those cheeks.
What a funny girl. What are you going to do when Megan isn't there anymore??? Meg looks cute!!
How nice to have a little helper...does she want to come stay with me for 6 weeks? Julia is a little doll baby, I seriously could smooch her cheeks cute!
How could you not spoil someone SO cute? We are trying to get Taylor to fall asleep on her own but it is so hard to put her down when I haven't seen her all day and she is so cuddling. So here's to spoiling! ~Meredith
We got your adorable announcement! Julia is just beautiful (but could I expect any less?) Love you guys!
She is just so cute! That sounds nice to have your niece there helping out. I bet you are having so much fun! Congrats again to Zeb!
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