Little miss Julia is such a sweetheart. She cracks me up with how particular she is. She knows exactly what she wants.

1. She will only take a binkie if she is in the sling (although now she prefers her fingers).
2. She has to sleep in the swing and prefers to be moving when she is awake.
3. She does not like the car to be stopped and cries until it moves.
4. She wants to be on the sidewalk when going for a walk (she likes the bumps in the concrete) and will cry if I go on the road.

She is starting to talk like crazy. I couldn't hear the lesson on Sunday because she was talking so loud. I love it!

She had her check up at 2 months and 2 weeks. She is 12 pounds 15 ounces (50th%tile) 23.5 inches (75th%tile) and her head is in the 90th%tile! She is growing like crazy and I just love her cheeks!

Here are the girls at the spay park. My niece Megan came from Utah for six weeks and it is so great to have her here. We are able to do more fun things this summer since she is helping.

Julia gets very serious when she starts sucking her fingers. She is too funny.
I Love my little pumpkin!
Love all the pictures. Julia is just darling. She is so sweet. So cute that she knows just what she wants. Glad Megan is there to help out and play. Kiss all the girls from Auntie Angie. Thanks for all the pics... keep em coming!
What a DOLL!!! I love that little Miss Julia knows exactly what she wants. Is it just me, or is it the best feeling that YOU are the one who knows her little quirks? I love knowing that no one can calm Connor down like Robby and I can. Love you and wish we could see you all in person. But, until then, keep the pictures and updates coming. Love you.
Aww! I love that last pic of her sleeping. SO cute! And the "serious" look she gets while sucking her fingers. That's serious stuff! haha! It must be SO. NICE. to have your niece in town to help out! I bet the girls just love it!
Love the seriousness and having help is ALWAYS great.
Isaac was particular about things too but he is pretty easy going now.
The girls are very cute. Taylor and Julia sound like they are cut from the same mold, Taylor loves her fingers, she sucks them so loud that it could wake you up. She won't take a binkie anymore, and she is very particular about how she wants to be held. The pictures are great.
You are a lucky mama to have your niece here for so long! And that last pic seriously gives me little butterflies - she's so precious!
A few things. First I LOVE LOVE that little hat. Second, very cute sling. Third I want to kiss Julia's cheeks So bad! Will you kiss one for me?
Oh Julia is so cute! I love her little hat. I'm so glad that Megan has been able to help you out this summer. Sounds like you guys are having a fun time. ~Meredith
I love your little pumpkin too! She is so sweet. I love that she sucks her fingers. Does that mean that you don't have to use your finger as a binkie??
So sweet! That's great you have help for that long! I'm sure the girls love it, too. And what kind of sling is that? I bought one that has a similar pattern and wondered it it's the same brand. I've heard people say that some slings aren't so great... So, once again I'm asking your expert opinion! :)
I love how she's stuffing her fist in her mouth! I want to meet her and hold her and give her a big kiss on her cute chubby cheeks! I'm jealous of Meg right now...
That is stinkin' funny how she likes the bumps in the concrete! I love it! At least you have her figured out. I'm still trying to figure Aidan's peculiarities out...it's taking some time. :)
Julia's outfit is sooo cute! How nice to have help for a few weeks! Cute pics!
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