Claire has been so excited about her last week in school. We are SO excited to have her home every day this summer!

The girls and I went to Claire's awards day in her classroom. Claire received the "Couch Award" (that's the name of her school) for outstanding citizenship and character. Only one child receives it so I was pretty excited for her. She also got a certificate for perfect attendance and A honor roll. She was very excited and couldn't wait to tell her Dad. Way to go sis!

I snapped this picture of Claire and Hallie walking home afterwards. They are such good friends.

Today is backwards day at school. She wore her shirt and pants backwards, mismatched shoes and one sock. I also did her hair backwards and crazy. When I went to part her hair down the middle she said, "You can't part it, it's supposed to be crazy!"

Here is her hair do up close!

Hallie of course wanted some crazy things too so she wore her dress backwards and mismatching socks. She has really wanted to be in school but I have been working with her at home. She is reading and loves it! Claire will sit down with Hallie in the morning before school and work on reading. You are a great reader, Hallie!

Little Miss Audrey has been working on going potty in the toilet and is totally POTTY TRAINED! Wahoo! You are such a big girl, Audrey!
I am so proud of my girls!
That is crazy hair! Congrats on the many awards, Claire. Hallie is already reading?! She still is so little to me. And Audrey, who you were still pregnant with when we left, is POTTY TRAINED! Sounds like you have been busy.
Lucky you on the potty training! Cute girls! Congrats on all the awards! And LOVE the backwards pics! :)
I LOVE the backwards day pics. Claire is such a doll. I love that Hallie and Claire held hands on the way home. You have such great girls. I can't believe how old Audrey is getting. Make sure you tell her about Aunt Stephanie all the time so she knows me the next time you're here!
how much do i love that they were holding hands! that is so precious!!!
They are so grown up and SO cute! When is the next time you guys are going to be in town? I would love to get together!
I love the upside down braid! You're talented Mama! Such beautiful girls you have!
I bet Clair was the cutest backward girl at school. Way to go girls on all of your accomplishments.
Love those girls. Claire is such a sweetheart. Tell her I am proud of her working so hard in school. Love Hallie and her desire to keep up with the older sis. Audrey is so funny. I love her little personality. Julia couldn't be cuter or sweeter. Kiss them all from Auntie Angie.
Your girls are just precious. I just can't believe how much they have grown since the last time we saw them. I can't wait to see them again. ~Meredith
Congratulations and yay to everyone!
We just went through the potty training thing too!
Beautiful girls!
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