Julia is 8 weeks. She'll be 2 months old tomorrow. Time is going so quickly and my little newborn is entering the baby stage. It's happening too fast. It always does. I love her more than words can say and can't kiss her enough!

She is the most serious of my babies, at least for now. Man I love it when she smiles. It melts my heart. She is starting to talk and we get a good conversation going, just the 2 of us. We spent last weekend in the ER. She had a fever, she caught hand foot and mouth from Audrey, and when newborns have fevers you don't wait around. You take them right in. They have to run all sorts of tests. Blood work. Even a spinal tap. It broke my heart to watch her bring poked and pricked. My eyes just welled up with tears as I rubbed her little head and told her it was almost over. The worst was when they blew a vein and had to start all over on the other hand for the IV. Luckily all the tests were fine and she is all better now. I am so grateful for a healthy and happy baby. I love you Julia. You light up my life.
I recorded a little clip of Julia this morning but I can't get it to load on Blogger. Maybe tomorrow!
My goodness. She really has gotten so big. Can't wait to see her again. I'll be in Dallas all next week. We need to have a play date!!!!
She is such a little Claire. I can't WAIT to see you guys and hold that little chubber girl. Im glad she's feeling better. That would seriously kill me. Way to stay strong.
She is so beautiful!
Wow, she's a very pretty baby. And you're right, she is looking more like a baby and not so much a new born. How terrible to have to go through all that with her. A spianl tap? I've heard they are aweful! I can only image how happy you are that's over.
So sweet! Love those little jeans, too! I agree that they grow too fast. Part of me wants my pregnancy to be over but at the same time I don't want this baby to grow up... Guess I don't know what has been going on with her health wise... Hope everything is okay!
I adore her. Love the outfit. (Aunt Steph, right?) She is soooo darling and I want to come over right this minute and kiss her cheeks and snuggle her for hours. I am so happy she is feeling better and her tests were normal. She had me pretty worried. Love you.
I can't believe how big she is! I love her little outfit and her very serious expressions. I think she's unbelievably gorgeous! I can't wait to see her again. We are in need of some serious one on one time. Oh, and Elliot says hi. He has now entered the world of the walking toddler and would run to you if you were in the room.
She is precious! She looks like a little babydoll. I'm glad she is okay. I about die when I have to be poked, I can't imagine a baby having to go thru all that.
My she's a cutie. It looks like her hair is growing back just fine, I can't believe the tests though, makes me sad just to think about it. I'm glad she's feeling better now.
I want to kiss those cheeks!!! She couldn't be more adorable. It broke my heart that she had to go through all of that! I am so glad she is doing better. Love you, Steph.
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