What is something mom always says to you?
A: Go in the sunroom and pick books.
H: Go in the sunroom and play.
C: Sorry I threw this away. (I tend to de clutter a LOT and end up throwing special things away!)
What makes mom happy?
A: I go play.
H: Not disobeying.
C: Anything helpful.
What makes mom sad?
A: Disobeying
H: If you say come inside and I don't.
C: When we are acting really bad sometimes you start crying.
How does mom make you laugh?
A: Cause she makes me silly.
H: Because sometimes you speak like a boy.
C: When she tells me funny jokes.
What was mommy like when she was a little girl?
A: Uh, Julia.
H: She had all blond hair with little brown stripes.
C: Sometimes situations were scary.
How old is your mom?
A: 2
H: 14
C: That'd be 28.
How tall is your mom?
A: 17
H: 11 inches
C: 48 inches, I say.
What is your mom's favorite thing to do?
A: Go potty.
H: Go on the carnival.
C: Scrapbook.
What does your mom do when you are not around?
A: She goes potty.
H: She goes on the computer.
C: Sleep and read and take care of Julia.
If your mom becomes famous what will it be for?
A: Still answering with "the potty"
H: For saying no. (yikes)
C: Scrapbooking.
What is your mom really good at?
A: She loves a baby.
H: Writing stuff down.
C: Scrapbooking.
What is your mom not very good at?
A: Having a baby.
H: playing...kidding!! Pulling the blinds down.
C: Building stuff.
What does mom do for a job?
H: Making dinner.
C: Stays home and takes care of children.
What is moms favorite food?
A: Chicken nuggets.
H: Oatmeal with orange yogurt.
C: Pasta.
What makes you proud of your mom?
A: Watching curious george.
H: Making dinner.
C: When she takes care of us.
If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
A: Curious George.
H: Ariel.
C: Helen on Martha Speaks.
What do you and your mom do together?
A: Play.
H: Watch movies.
C: Cook.
How are you and your mom the same?
A: Twins.
H: Blonde hair and brown stripes.
C: We both have short hair.
How are you and your mom different?
A: I'm Audrey and your mom.
H: We don't have the same eye colors.
C: She's a grown up and I'm a kid.
How do you know your mom loves you?
A: Cute.
H: Because you say that.
C: Cause she takes care of me...lots of ways.
What does mom like most about dad?
A: He loves you.
H: Audrey took mine.
C: He works for money. (I laughed so hard and so did Zeb).
What does mom like to do with dad?
A: I don't know.
H: Go out and eat dinner.
C: Date.
Where is moms favorite place to go?
A: Museum.
H: Six flags...is it?
C: Restaurants.
I have had so much fun looking through all the girls' pictures when they were babies. I LOVE pictures. Shocker, I know. I thought I would post one of each of the older 3!

I think the potty is your favorite thing because its the only place you get to be alone. Tara used to shave the girls heads when it grew in like that. You should ask her how it worked. Have a great day.
Love you,
I love Audrey's answers. SO cute.
Those are GREAT! I bet you were both laughing about the making money one! ;)
So cute! I can tell exACTLY who is who in those pics!
Ahhh, a childs perceptions.....soooo funny. I too loved the potty responses from Audrey. And we all knew that you married Zeb for his money, just like I married Josh for his ;)
I like that you are 2 and 17. don't we all wish!!! ah to be a kid once again. those little buggers have it so good with a mom like you!
Great answers. I laughed out loud at more than a few. I should write down the answers my boys have given me to similar questions.
LOVED it!! So cute. I was grinning the whole time and my kids were dying laughing. I am totally going to do that with my kids tomorrow!! Love you and miss you. Thanks for the good read.
It's fun to see how different each girl answers. I love their baby faces. So cute!
I'll have to do this with the girls. So, cute.
I LOVE this post. The girls are so cute. I love that Audrey went on kicks with the same answers....the potty and Curious George anyone?! I'm cracking up that Claire said "That'd be 28," to the age question. She is such a little grown up. Hallie is such a cutie and I am cracking up that you would be famous for saying "no." Remember when I said the phrase Mom used the most was, "leave no evidence?" Awesome. The pictures of Claire, Audrey and Hallie as babies were so much fun to see. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Love you.
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