During bath time I have 2 wonderful helpers. It takes 6 washcloths per bath.
1 for me.
1 for Hallie.
And 3 or more for Audrey.
Plus another to wipe off the girls wet feet when we're done.
Hallie and Audrey love bath time just as much as Julia. ;)

As you know my kids don't have much hair when they're born. And what little hair they do have falls out anyway. That is the stage we are in with Julia. Right now she is bald in the front, has a patch of hair in the middle that is blonde so you can't see it, has a patch in the middle/back of her head that is dark, and has the monk ring of hair in the back at the bottom (with a bald strip just above the hair). Of course she is still ADORABLE but here is my dilemma, with her hair 4 different lengths, do I shave it off so it can all grow in the same? I know she will eventually be totally bald from it all falling out, so do I get it through the stage faster by doing it myself? Most of you are probably gasping at the thought of it. And quite frankly in my heart of hearts I don't know that I could actually go through with it. BUT I have heard from lots of people that when a baby has virtually no hair, shave it and it will grow back faster and thicker. I don't know if I really believe this. I'd love to hear what you think!
Such sweet pictures! I bet bath time for us will be about the same, with my helpers! LOVE her little smile, too! And the hair thing...I couldn't do it! That's why Briel had a mullet until she was almost 2 years. It was easier to shave Micah's hair but I couldn't even do that until he was almost 2 years. Good luck with your decision! ;)
We never have really experienced bath time since we are shower people. My sister will occasionally bathe the boys and she ends up SOAKED.
LOVE her smile.
As for the hair, I would leave it but I have boys and we end up shaving it when they are older. Shaving does help your hair grow back thicker or else balding men would shave their heads. Let us (the blogging world) know what you decide.
Leah, she is so cute! The tale end of the smile was adorable. My sister Elizabeth shaved her babies hair at about that same age and for the same reasons. It looked fine, nobody ever even knnew she shaved it except her husband and close family. However it still took until she was one and half to even begin to grow back, that's right. NO HAIR until she was one and a half. But who knows, she may have been that way even without the baby shaving.
She is just adorable. And as unpopular as my vote may be I'm all about giving babies haircuts. I personally think that it shouldn't be about hanging onto baby hair that looks silly. I know my babies have hair so I probably wouldn't shave it all but Taylor is getting that little mullet below her bald spot and it drives me crazy. She still has enough hair to cover the bald spot but if that goes I'm definitely going to cut her dark little mullet. But that its just me. I know Julia will look adorable with whatever you decide. (And by the way Abe thinks I'm crazy to care about her mullet so he would probably have a different opinion ) ~Meredith
Thanks for the new pictures. Julia is darling. A little angel. I didn't realize she was a little baldy... I am all for shaving. I shaved Sienna' s head when she was a couple months old. I was happy with it. The first few days were a little shocking, but that wore off and then it did come in more even. Make sure you take pictures of your baby and clippers if you decide to go that route... keep me posted. I am dying to hold Julia. I miss you all so much. Kiss everyone for me (except Zeb, just tell him "Hello!")
A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.! Love the pictures! I've never even heard of the shaving thing. We have the same hair problem with our babies but I just wait it out, then once it's out I love those bald heads like crazy. I love baldies! Good Luck!
P.S. We need to get together!
Leah, she is so sweet. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
(I personaly couldn't do it, but if you do, more power to ya!)
Ha! I might try that on a boy but DEFINITELY would not risk it on a little girl! She's too cute and so big already!
cute pics...as for shaving the hair, it used to be a mexican tradition to shave the girls head when she is born to insure lots of thick hair, so I say go for it.
Love her, love her, love her! I NEED to hold her. I love bath time. Connor gets so zenned out when he gets a bath. I love it. Oh, and he has pooped mid bath TWICE now. Awesome. I remove him INSTANTLY and drain the tub (leaving a nice yellow-orange film over the entire thing which then has to be scrubbed). Secretly, I love everything he does and it just cracks me up.
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