One of my favorite things is when your child draws a picture of themselves or the family for the first time. This morning Audrey handed me a portrait of our family. I LOVE it! I was so excited and praised her up and down. Who doesn't love these little people. I love that I was the biggest one, not Zeb.

I love turning around from the front seat to see things like this. ESPECIALLY the sunglasses. Picture perfect. That position makes me want to sit on her booster and try to sleep like that...almost.

The other night I went to give the girls kisses after I got home from YW and this is what I found. I love that Kit is right next to her. I love that she has her beauty shades on her head. What a funny girl.

And of course Claire is asleep next to Chrissa (not a rat) and has her target dollar spot beauty shades as well. I have very pretty princesses in my family. ;)

Love you, girls!
Very cute. I love the family pictures. I love how kids always draw people with their legs coming out of their necks first. Ethan has zero interest in drawing so I don't know if I will ever get the thrill from a family portait :) ~Meredith
How sweet! Jackson has started drawing our family as well. His interpretation is exactly like Audrey's - legs and arms all coming out of the head. We miss you guys!
Love the sleeping pics. I find my boys in similar positions except cuddling with cars and dinosaurs.
Oh how I miss those cute drawings from my girls. It's just crazy how they can sleep in those odd positions. I love sleeping pictures, so peaceful.
I love the drawing! I remember when Claire drew a picture of my family even before I had children and she added a baby to it. I saved it. It's in Elliot's book ;) Oh, and I LOVE sleeping pictures. The girls are adorable. I'm living the beauty shades ;)
Super cute family picture. Audrey is better at drawing people than Sienna, who is two weeks older in fact. But, just today, Sienna repeated the pledge of allegiance. Can Audrey do that? Kidding. Love your girls. Saige has the same sleeping eye thing and loves it. I bought it for her after she tried to make her own out of a strip of fabric and tape... Kinda rough on the hair. Love that the older two sleep with their dolls. Glad Santa came through this year!
Kiss the girls for me. Especially Julia for gaining a pound!! So relieved.
Cute princesses with a very cute mama!
I couldn't love the family portrait more! You've got a budding talent there. Your girls are the CUTEST. I'm so glad I get to see pictures.
Love, Gram
Cute! They really sleep with those covers for their eyes? Cute dolls, too! Cute girls!!!
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