Auntie Angie sent the girls a Valentine package with socks, treats, and skirts for their american girl dolls that she made. Seriously!!!! The girls squealed and screamed and were oh so excited. Claire immediately went to her room, put on the skirt Auntie Angie made her for her b-day last year and dressed Chrissa in hers. It was so cute. They love their surprises. Thanks, Ang! You rock!

How cute are these skirts? I would wear them if they were my size. ;)

Happy Valentine's Day next week!
such cute girls!!!
Very cute! Love the fabric! Your girls have gotten so big. Tear. Miss you guys!
I am so glad they were so excited!! They are such darling girls. Thanks for putting up the pictures so fast. Hope Julia is feeling better soon. Love you.
The skirts are adorable! As are the girls. I can't believe how beautiful they are getting. It almost makes me tear up.
Can I just comment on how big Claire looks! What? When did that happen? When I first met you she looked Audrey's size and I haven't known you guys all that long. Wierd! I love your girls.
Cute. I love how excited and happy they are.
What an awesome gift! I would totally wear those skirts too. OH...I hear a family is in your ward that are friend with Jackie and Tjel Olsen in our ward (they moved in after you guys left) He's a dentist and went to school with the guy in your ward. Sorry I can't remember the last name. I guess they have 3 girls, just thought you might have hung out with them since you both are moms of little girls. Anywho...it's small world in the church. Miss you guys.
Well, I guess I'll be meeting them then....we were invited to watch the Super Bowl at the Olsens and that family will be there. Crazy!
What a fun package to get in the mail. Aren't sisters the best? Miss you!
Super fun package! The skirts are darling, and your girls...BEAUTIFUL! Hope you guys are well.
looking at those pictures makes me wish i was a little girl again! i loved my dolls! and i loved it when mom made little outfits for them!
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