I have been told by 5 people in the last few days that I am "slacking" on my blogging. So, I am committing to be better. Right here. Right now.
With no further adieu, here was my weekend.
I ran in my first half marathon race! I trained with a friend, Kristal, but she wasn't able to run with me (she is doing the Big D half next month). I hit a wall a few weeks ago during my 11 mile run that was a beating. I had a stiff neck for 2 weeks. But I was determined to run. Hoping it would go well. Well is an understatement. The race was amazing.
Zeb woke up at 5:00 on Saturday morning (unbeknownst to me), where he bought posters to paint. Jana said it was a very sweet sight to see Zeb painting me signs in the wee hours of the morning.
Zeb dropped me off at the race and I stretched and waited for it to start. As the race started there were people passing me right and left. I kept telling myself to go at the pace I planned and not follow the crowd and go too fast. As people kept passing me I thought, "I'm going to be the last one!" But I didn't care. I knew what I could run at and I was going to finish. The hills were big but I felt great. I kept the pace I wanted and kept going.
As I passed different people I could see spectators holding signs. It was so fun. By the time I got to mile 8 I saw a little family off to the side with posters. I thought, "That is so cute. Look at those little kids." As I got closer I looked over and realized, "Those are my kids. That's MY family!!!!" I almost started sobbing right there. My throat was burning and I knew I had to keep it together. But at that moment feeling the love and support from my husband, children, and friends was the most amazing feeling.
They had come to cheer me on. Boy I was on cloud nine.
Then at mile 10 they surprised me again. It was so awesome. The girls made the posters this time. Hallie's said, "You go girl, I mean Mom! I love you!" Claire's said, "You're running mountains. Keep going!!!" It was so great.
People were stopping to walk. The hills made some people underprepared. Some people started out too fast. Some people were just speed demons and finished in an hour and 10 minutes (what is that, a 5 minute mile??? wow). I had so much energy that the whole run was enjoyable. I felt great the whole time.
And I never had to go to the bathroom. Not once. For me, that is THE BIGGEST MIRACLE!!! Sorry, TMI. But I felt SOOOOO blessed.
I sprinted around the track and finished my first half marathon. My time was 2:13. Right what I was shooting for!

I gained insight while training for this race that I have been searching for. I was on a 6 mile run a few weeks ago. At mile 5 with lots of hills, side aches, a bad back, and being so sore I knew I still had a mile left. I was so exhausted but I had to finish. I wasn't going to quit. I told myself over and over, "You can do this. You can do this." In that moment it hit me. Training for a race is like motherhood and life. If you tell yourself you can't do it you won't. Or you will and it will be miserable. It's all about our attitude. Some days in life are not so good. Other days are better. But during the journey it's up to us to tell ourselves we can do it. Because WE CAN do it!!!
I'm so happy you blogged already! It was so fun having you guys here and we so enjoyed cheering you on! You're awesome, Leah!!
That is amazing, good job!
WAY TO GO PEE!!!! Holy cow, I didn't know you were even training because...you never blog :) JK
I am so proud of you, that's just awesome.
i am so proud of you!! you did awesome. and what a great thought... you're amazing!
Good job!!! You are amazing!!!
Hooray for an awesome blog post Leah! So glad I got to scream my head off for you at the finish line. Way to go my friend!!!
Leah! This post made me get a little choked up! So sweet. Way to go girl-that is so awesome.
Congrats babe! xoxo
I am totally crying. Loved this post. Love you. Love Zeb for being so good to you. Love your girls. I CANNOT WAIT to see you in 2.5 months. I'm super proud of you. I love you , Leah. You are my little sister, but, WOW, I sure look up to you. Awesome job.
P.S. I would run too if I looked that good in spandex!!
Loved it! This was so much fun to read and I am so glad you did it and enjoyed it! Their contagious, aren't they? Are you already looking for the next race to run?
That is so awesome! What sweet little girls and I love the pictures to show it all! It even brought a tear to my eye! :)
Lacey, thanks for taking all of the action photos!
Jana, thanks for being an amazing cheerleader!
And thanks to both of you and your families for housing us for the weekend.
Leah, you are amazing! And Angie is right, you look killer in spandex!!!
Ang IS right...you look freaking awesome in Spandex! I am so proud of you. Abbie told me that your post made her cry so I had to come see what she was talking about. She was right, I totally teared up. You're amazing and I am so happy that you have such an awesome family to support you. I love Zeb for how much he loves you. :)
Good for you girl. I did my first one last October too! You're right, it's so rewarding. The "cheerleaders" make all the difference.
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