The way she says, "I lu you," when she goes to bed (and all throughout the day for that matter).
As soon as my driver door shuts after getting in the car and the keys are in the ignition, Julia is yelling, "buckle mommy, buckle," until I am clicked in.
Every time she is sitting at the table and you walk in the room she says, "by you," She wants you to sit by her. Love it.
She is saying sentences and talking like crazy.
She says cupcake, coop's adorable.
Love that she hasn't tried to climb out of her crib!
She pulls the goofiest faces I have ever seen. She is such a character.
Things we could do without, but love her all the same:
That she learned how to open doors with child locks on them 12 hours after I put them on.
That she throws her food on the floor faster than you can blink and likes to smash food in her hands as well. There is always a LOT of clean up at meal time.
That she is into everything and moves from place to place destroying things.
That she is growing up too fast.

The girls were so excited to celebrate Julia. We love you, JULES!!!!!!
Your girls are beautiful!
Yeah for Julia. Love her. I can't believe how much she has changed and grown in the last 8 months since we've seen her. Can't wait to see her in JUNE. Thanks for the post. Happy Birthday cutie!
Auntie Angie
Happy Birthday Julia! Your girls are so beautiful!
Happy Birthday little Miss Julia!! She is so adorable, can't believe how much they have all grown! Love to you all, Bernadette, Trav& Peyton
Adorable! She's so cute. I love her and I love that you had to explain her mismatch pants! I love that.
She is so cute! Your girls are getting so big. Wow!
Happy Birthday, Julia!!! She's such a doll!
Happy birthday Miss Julia. We love you!!
I LOVE her to pieces. She is such a little angel and I can't believe she is TWO! Miss you! Happy (late) birthday, Jules.
Can it really have been 2 years since you guys moved away and Julia came into the world? Oh my how time flies. She sure fits the "Fish" mold- what a cutie!
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