The girls were so excited to have their cousins come over Saturday to decorate easter eggs and have an egg hunt. They could hardly wait for the day to come.

We lined them all up by age and let the little ones go first. It was pretty cute.

Zeb wanted a shot of all of them running which turned out darling.

Here is Audrey,

Claire, and Hallie in action. They had a blast.
Of course I didn't want to miss the fun so Julia and I came out for a bit.
I can't believe she will be 2 weeks old tomorrow.

Yes, I did get my hair cut, finally. Zeb had Friday off work so he insisted I go get it done. He is so good to me and makes sure I take some time just for me. I like the cut but the color is a little "chunkier" than I am used to. But overall I am very happy. Thanks, babe! And thanks to my little elf that gave me a gift card to beauty brands for Christmas! I know, I know, Christmas was a LONG time ago! ;)
oh my goodness...quite possibly the cutest girls ever on the earth. i love how excited they are. makes me miss them so much!
Love the Easter pictures. The girls are the cutest. I adore all of them. Loving the haircut. Super cute. Julia is precious... I am going crazy that I can't hold her. If I fake an injury will you come to Utah, please? Keep up all the posting. I LOVE it.
Auntie Angie
I love your hair, the first thing I noticed was how beautiful you look, even before I read that you got it cut. I also love Hallie's expresion while running, pure easter joy.
Darling pictures.
P.S. The "Elf" says your welcome... and that its about time you used it!! L-O-V-E love the cut and color.
P.S.S. You totally do NOT look like you JUST HAD A BABY... why are we friends again?!?!?!
Fun pictures! Your hair is darling! Julia is two weeks already? Babies grow too fast. How is Zeb liking his work?
I agree with Cindy that you don't look like you just had a baby! NO FAIR!!!! ;) Like I said, some things never change though... ;) And your hair does look GREAT! Cute egg hunting girls, too! Easter eggs are fun stuff!
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I love the new hair cut and color. I was cleaning out Elliot's diaper bag yesterday and came across a little dollie with big hair that I'm sure is Audrey's. It made me miss all of you very much.
Aw those are the cutest Easter pictures! I love your hair!
Yeah yeah, cute Easter pics. Blahblahblah.
I LOVE YOUR HAIR! Spunky Mama!! Work those chunky highlights. Nothing like fabulous hair to get you through postpartum.
Okay, kidding about the blahblahblah, lol. I love that pic of the girls running!! How fun!
Love the action shots-your girls are so funny! They just have excitement for everything in life-just like their Mama!
I love your do, it looks great. But what I can't get that you look like Leah 10 months ago...not like Leah who JUST had a baby. Are you kidding me? Not fair.
I love your pictures and I am sad I will probably never get pictures like that for Easter. For the past three years it has snowed on Easter. We have to do the egg hunt in the house. The pictures are just not the same. So cute and your hair look really cute.
It's crazy. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and your style is exactly what I was planning on getting. You stole my idea! =)
Love the pics of the girls. Looks like they had a blast.
Love your hair cut, makes me want to cut mine again. Love how excited they are.
Your hair looks are one hot mamma. I love the picture of the kids all running for the Easter egg hunt. So cute.
ooh- your hair looks FAB!
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