I can't believe Julia is already 4 weeks old today. I love this little angel so much.

Claire is such a little mommy and loves to hold her. Hallie is fascinated with her and is my biggest helper. Audrey showers her with kisses from the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes to bed. The girls LOVE their baby sister.

I had to post picture in the darling hat my mom crocheted for little Julia. I love it mom, thanks!

Audrey is constantly calling Julia, "Little stinker, punkin, peanut, sweetheart..." She says it all. The other day when she woke up, Audrey asked to hold Julia. Then as she was giving kisses she sweetly says, "We love you so much Julia."
She wants Julia to be big. Audrey will always say, "When she's bigger she will swing on the swing." "When she is bigger she will..." A few days ago she tried to feed Julia one of her gold fish crackers. She was so fast, even though I was right there, she got it in her mouth. I immediately took it out but boy did it scare me half to death. Audrey really knows now, she is not to put ANYTHING in her mouth OR try and pick her up without mom.
We love you Julia.
Oh she is so cute! And four weeks flew by! Wow!
wow, four weeks already! I hope my boys love our litte one as much as your girls love yours.
She is really so beautiful. Can't believe it's been 4 weeks. Miss you guys tons!!
cute pictures. did you take them?
I LOVE the hats mom made. Connor looks so cute in his (it still kinda drowns him). Nice catch on the goldfish cracker....scary! She is beautiful, Pee. I want to hold her SO badly....it is killing me.
She is so beautiful!!! You guys have the cutest kids. Congrats again on your little angle!
I love the hat and Devin seconds that motion ;) It was great to see you the other day. Hope to do it again soon.
She is so pretty!! Love the hat too! You know how I feel about pink and brown...
Julia is adorable and the hat is darling. Don't you love when your kids love their siblings?
**so glad you are posting a lot these days, I am impressed.
Love the pictures of Julia in the hat Mom made. She is darling and changing. I want to hold her, kiss her and smell her face. I miss you and love you and think of you so often. Give Julia a big kiss and snuggle from Auntie Angie. Kiss all the girls for me while your at it. I miss you so much, Pee. You are a wonderful Mom and Sister. Talk to you soon.
Oh she is so adorable. She looks so cute in hats. Taylor cries if I try put them on her. It's probably because her head is so big that it cuts off her circulation :) I hope things are going well. Send me your address some day when you have a few minutes. ~Meredith
Such a cute hat! I'm worried about my little "helper" trying to feed the baby and pick her up, too. Actually I'm afraid he'll jump on her like he does to us... BOYS!!! (Be thankful you have a princess helper, in other words!!!) ;)
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