I know most of you are probably bombarded with pictures of me but my Aunties are asking for more pictures! I feel very loved. So here are more pictures!

I went to my two week check up yesterday and I have gained 5 ounces. I weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and am a healthy peanut. In the Doctor's words, "Perfect check-up!"
I hope you had a Happy Easter!

This hat is HUGE and I have no idea why my mom insisted on making me wear it. I just think it looks goofy....but anything for a picture, right?

This was my moms sad attempt at getting a picture of my pretty Easter dress. I just couldn't keep it all in. Please excuse me!

To all of my Aunites, Grandmas, and adopted Aunties: I hope you like the pictures. I love you and wish you could hold me. I can't wait to see you sometime soon!
Hugs and Kisses,
Julia May
Thanks for the pictures. Julia is darling. She is just as cute as can be. Glad she is gaining weight and doing so well. She is changing a little in her pictures, but she still looks like you, Leah. Love you guys.
Oh my! I can't believe how sweet she is. She may be growing well, but I can't get over how tiny babies are when they are brand new (Connor doesn't feel so tiny though)! Thanks for the pictures!! I know we hound for more and more, but I want to see her at each stage!
She is so cute. And really the newborn stage goes so quickly, photos are the only way you know they were ever that small. Glad you are feeling well enough to do photo shoots.
Wow Julia, you are quite the adept typist. And don't feel to bad, I have a hard time holding in my dinner too, and I am four times older than you.
Such a doll!! Glad to know she's doing so well.
She is so sweet.
She looks so sweet! I just looove those cheeks.
I love the cheeks, too! Such a great post for a 2 week old! Just think of the things she'll be doing soon if she can do this, at this stage. :) Love the throw up pic! :)
Little Miss Julia... you are a mini claire and cute as a button. I love your little rolly polly tush. Im glad you liked your new Easter dress! I thought it was pretty darn cute.I can't wait to see you again and give you lots of kisses.
Thanks for the pictures Julia. You are so darling, I'm sure you hear that a lot!! Leah I love your haircut, it looks great on you. I love that picture of you holding Julia- It makes me want another one!!
What a little doll. I'm sure she gets plenty of love from her three sisters not to mention mom and dad.
What a sweet lil' angel. I love those pictures where her little legs are all curled up under her-too cute.
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