I recorded a little clip of Julia this morning but I can't get it to load on Blogger. Maybe tomorrow!
Friday, May 29, 2009
8 Weeks
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Oh so fun!
Claire has been so cute lately doing things for her little sisters. She makes them forts, plays school, and comes up with great ideas. She sets up centers around the toy room for the girls to learn at. Math center, reading center, etc. It's adorable. The other day I heard her and Hallie playing in my room. Claire was asking Hallie math questions and if she missed them she had to do 5 push ups. SO FUNNY!
As I am potty training Audrey she came up with the idea of Audrey being the line leader in order to get her to go to the bathroom. It worked like a charm! Audrey will go in a heart beat as soon as I utter the words, "Audrey, come be the line leader to the bathroom." Claire LOVES being a big sister and helps me when she doesn't even realize it.
The other day after making a fort for the girls, I asked her to be my helper in the "Beauty Parlor." We dressed them up in skirts, painted toenails and fingernails (different colors of course), did hair with flowers and ribbons, put on necklaces and bracelets, a little makeup and....
Monday, May 18, 2009
Zeb's Plan
Yesterday Zeb put a plan into action. What plan? The one where he announces, "I'm going to shave Julia's head," as he goes into our bathroom and locks the door. Am I kidding? No I am not. After he had already started I finally got him to open the door.
Here is what her hair used to look like:

So Zeb decided to take thee stress off me and make the decision to help little Julia out and make it all one length.
Here is my little cabbage patch baby! There were a few tears and a lot of, "Oh Julia, I'm sorry." To which Zeb asked, "for what, helping her look better?"
And don't forget the completely bald top.
So Zeb decided to take thee stress off me and make the decision to help little Julia out and make it all one length.
(Look at her chompers!) I LOVE those cheeks.
I will admit it was nice to not be the one to make the decision. I didn't have the guts to do it. But now that it's done it will all grow in much better by not being so many different lengths. Too bad my babies are in the bald stage for so long. Let's cross our fingers that maybe it will end a little sooner since we gave her a head start! ;)
Friday, May 15, 2009
According to the girls...
I got the idea for this post from Lindsey's blog. I thought it would be fun to ask all 3 girls these questions and see what their answers were. It was SO much fun. We had some good laughs. You should try it!

What is something mom always says to you?
A: Go in the sunroom and pick books.
H: Go in the sunroom and play.
C: Sorry I threw this away. (I tend to de clutter a LOT and end up throwing special things away!)
What makes mom happy?
A: I go play.
H: Not disobeying.
C: Anything helpful.
What makes mom sad?
A: Disobeying
H: If you say come inside and I don't.
C: When we are acting really bad sometimes you start crying.
How does mom make you laugh?
A: Cause she makes me silly.
H: Because sometimes you speak like a boy.
C: When she tells me funny jokes.
What was mommy like when she was a little girl?
A: Uh, Julia.
H: She had all blond hair with little brown stripes.
C: Sometimes situations were scary.
How old is your mom?
A: 2
H: 14
C: That'd be 28.
How tall is your mom?
A: 17
H: 11 inches
C: 48 inches, I say.
What is your mom's favorite thing to do?
A: Go potty.
H: Go on the carnival.
C: Scrapbook.
What does your mom do when you are not around?
A: She goes potty.
H: She goes on the computer.
C: Sleep and read and take care of Julia.
If your mom becomes famous what will it be for?
A: Still answering with "the potty"
H: For saying no. (yikes)
C: Scrapbooking.
What is your mom really good at?
A: She loves a baby.
H: Writing stuff down.
C: Scrapbooking.
What is your mom not very good at?
A: Having a baby.
H: playing...kidding!! Pulling the blinds down.
C: Building stuff.
What does mom do for a job?
H: Making dinner.
C: Stays home and takes care of children.
What is moms favorite food?
A: Chicken nuggets.
H: Oatmeal with orange yogurt.
C: Pasta.
What makes you proud of your mom?
A: Watching curious george.
H: Making dinner.
C: When she takes care of us.
If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
A: Curious George.
H: Ariel.
C: Helen on Martha Speaks.
What do you and your mom do together?
A: Play.
H: Watch movies.
C: Cook.
How are you and your mom the same?
A: Twins.
H: Blonde hair and brown stripes.
C: We both have short hair.
How are you and your mom different?
A: I'm Audrey and your mom.
H: We don't have the same eye colors.
C: She's a grown up and I'm a kid.
How do you know your mom loves you?
A: Cute.
H: Because you say that.
C: Cause she takes care of me...lots of ways.
What does mom like most about dad?
A: He loves you.
H: Audrey took mine.
C: He works for money. (I laughed so hard and so did Zeb).
What does mom like to do with dad?
A: I don't know.
H: Go out and eat dinner.
C: Date.
Where is moms favorite place to go?
A: Museum.
H: Six flags...is it?
C: Restaurants.
I have had so much fun looking through all the girls' pictures when they were babies. I LOVE pictures. Shocker, I know. I thought I would post one of each of the older 3!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What's your take?
During bath time I have 2 wonderful helpers. It takes 6 washcloths per bath.
1 for me.
1 for Hallie.
And 3 or more for Audrey.
Plus another to wipe off the girls wet feet when we're done.
Hallie and Audrey love bath time just as much as Julia. ;)
Monday, May 11, 2009
3 in the Bed...
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