The morning of my Birthday didn't start off too great. I was stressing about the house, feeling sad to be away from my family and friends, and trying to be positive. I ended up crying on the phone to Zeb. Well, being the sweet husband he is, he surprised me and took the afternoon off work. He called me while I was at Walmart trying to shop with 3 kids and a crying baby. He met me there are came to my rescue. So we got to spend the whole afternoon with him!!! He asked me what I wanted to do and I said I wanted to have a water balloon fight with the girls. So we went home and had a BLaSt in the backyard.

The balloons were gone in about 2 minutes so we borrowed our neighbors slippin slide. I even joined the girls. No pictures though, they are incredibly scary.

It was so much fun to play WITH the girls. I don't do that enough. I loved every minute.

After running through sprinklers and squirting each other with the hose we went inside.
Claire said to me, "Usually big people's birthdays aren't very fun for us but this was GREAT!" Then we gave each other the thumbs up sign. ;)
Zeb got the girls all ready and in their jammies then made dinner!
Our cute neighbor Brooke made a cake for me and the fam sang. After Zeb put the girls to bed we put a chick flick on, ate junk food and just relaxed.
It WAS pretty great, Claire! Thanks to my sweet husband and wonderful girls. Pretty much the best birthday ever!