Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well ladies and gentleman....we got a call last night from the law firm Zeb clerked with and.....
I picked him up from Bishopric meetings and when he got in the car he said, "So how about that call I got from Gary Morgan offering me a job!" I immediately started screaming. I screamed and laughed and to my surprise I didn't start crying. That came much later! 
We are ecstatic! The relief that comes from knowing we have something when we finish school is a feeling I can't get used to. It doesn't seem real. 

When Zeb applied for on campus interviews again this fall and didn't get any our friend Lacey said, "It's because he doesn't need any. He is going to get a job from that law firm in Dallas." 
As we look back over the past year it is amazing to see the path that has lead us to where we are now.

We want to thank all of you for all the prayers and thoughts on our behalf. So many of you have prayed for us and we are so grateful. Thank you so much!


Michelle said...

I've been checking this thing non-stop, hoping and praying to hear something about the job situation. You have no idea how happy I am for you two!!! I don't know anyone who works as hard or deserves this more than you guys! I'm waiting for class to start so I can't scream and get too excited. But I'm smiling from ear to ear! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

J and C Fish Family said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaa! I know that Zeb already called and told us, but I still am so excited for you. As Michelle said, you guys totally deserve this. I am so excited to be having you guys so close. I know that it's a little premature, but I told the girls that you were moving closer to us. I probably shouldn't have because they don't realize how far away it is. They were acting like it will be any day, and that you'll live minutes away. Yay!!!

The O'Briens said...

I was so excited for you when you called me last night! I couldn't be happier for you and am so glad that the pressure of finding a job is no more. Let me just say, I am SO freaking jealous that Carol will live so close to you, but am so happy that you have family near you. I love you like crazy. Congrats again. Oh, and don't forget to GO OUT and is well deserved.

Shay said...

That is so wonderful! We are so happy for you guys. Congratulations!

karin said...

Congratulations! How exciting! I hope you realize how jealous I am that you are staying in Texas (and in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area too).

J and C Fish Family said...

No more late nights and waking up before the butt crack of dawn for Zebby. Now all you have to do is pass your classes with a C, right :). Yeah, like that's going to happen. Good work Zeb, I think I can speak for everyone in saying how proud we are of you and all you have done.

wurtz said...

Leah, Thank you for calling. We are so excited for you guys. Congrats!

Steph said...

YAHOO!!!! GO ZEB!! We are SUPER excited for you guys! Not that I was all. But I am happy that you now have peace of mind and can just relax knowing that all is good after school is done! WHen does he finish? Please PLEASE do not say in December...when we get back. I'll be broken hearted. You're half the reason I'm excited to get back there!

Kimi said...

That is so Great! Congrats Congrats Congrats!!! I am so happy for you guys!

mistyp said...

Lucky you! (We're still waiting for that day!) Congrats!

Angie said...

So proud of you Zebbie and Leah. It takes both of you to pull off law school and a family!! You guys deserve this, you have both worked so hard. I am poud of your dedication and stamina. I know is been a long road. Congrats. So happy you have this to look forward to in a few months. Love you guys.

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

We are so excited for you both. Now that you are going to be making the big bucks we can't wait for you to come out and visit us!

Katie L. said...

Congrats Zeb and Leah! That is awesome! Way to go!

Summer said...

Leah--That is awesome, I am so excited for you guys!!! What a relief to feel like there is an end to the craziness--guess I will have to get some tickets to Dallas in the future!