Thursday, April 30, 2009


Cost of the move to Texas: $2,135
Cost of one quarter of law school: $9,250-$11,300
Cost of borrowed money to live off for one month: $1,815
Cost of Students Loans: Too high to disclose.
Cost of passing the bar and being DONE: Priceless

Well friends, it's official...
Zeb is a lawyer. 
Results came out today and he passed the bar!!!!!!
I am so incredibly happy and thrilled for him. He has worked so hard and for so long and he is truly done. DONE! 
Wow it feels good.
Love you, babe! Way to go.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our little Peanut...

I can't believe Julia is already 4 weeks old today. I love this little angel so much. 

Claire is such a little mommy and loves to hold her. Hallie is fascinated with her and is my biggest helper. Audrey showers her with kisses from the minute she wakes up to the minute she goes to bed. The girls LOVE their baby sister.

I had to post picture in the darling hat my mom crocheted for little Julia. I love it mom, thanks!

Audrey is constantly calling Julia, "Little stinker, punkin, peanut, sweetheart..." She says it all. The other day when she woke up, Audrey asked to hold Julia. Then as she was giving kisses she sweetly says, "We love you so much Julia." 
She wants Julia to be big. Audrey will always say, "When she's bigger she will swing on the swing." "When she is bigger she will..." A few days ago she tried to feed Julia one of her gold fish crackers. She was so fast, even though I was right there, she got it in her mouth. I immediately took it out but boy did it scare me half to death. Audrey really knows now, she is not to put ANYTHING in her mouth OR try and pick her up without mom. 
We love you Julia. 

A Day of Surprises!

Last week I got an evite from Cindy to Brittany's shower. I really wanted to go but didn't know if I could pull it off with a three and a half week old baby, 3 other kids and a 2 hour drive (with the shower starting at 10:30 am).  BUT Brittany is a dear friend, not only to me but to the girls also. They LOVE her. I didn't tell the girls or any friends I was going to try and pull it off in case I couldn't after all.

As you can see I pulled it off. Wednesday night I got everything ready and Thursday morning I woke the girls up and told them the surprise. Their faces lit up and Claire yells, "I don't have to go to school!!!" They could hardly wait to go. After feeding Julia we loaded up and took off. Julia did great in the car and only fussed for a little bit.

When we showed up at the shower everyone had to look twice. It seemed normal for us to be there! It was so fun to surprise everyone.

It was LOVELY to have company. I have been really lonely and it was wonderful to be around my friends.

When Hallie was sitting on Brittany's lap she said something that broke my heart. She said, "I didn't know if I wanted to come because I knew I would have to say goodbye." When I was telling some friends that, later that afternoon when we hung out at Cassidy's house, I started crying. I was not prepared for the emotions but they came! We have missed all of our friends so much.

The second big surprise came that evening. When Claire was going to Woodway before we moved she was going to be in a big program called BUGZ. Well, we ended up moving before the program and she was devastated. She wanted to go see the program really bad but I didn't know if I could take all 4 kids with Julia being a few weeks old. With it on the same day as the shower I was so excited to be able to surprise Claire. So in the afternoon I told Claire, "Do you want to know the other surprise?" 
I say, "Tonight is the BUGZ program!" 
Her face lights up and she yells, "Can we go?" 
I say,  "yep" and I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled she was. 
She says, "Oh I am so happy I could just hug you. Oh I will hug you!" She runs over and gives me a huge hug and kiss and just grins and squeals with delight. She thanked me over and over and over. It was so sweet.
Seeing her excitement was worth every minute that the surprise took to pull off!
We went and took a picture with her class just before the program.

The program was darling and her class and teacher were SO excited she came!

I can't believe I had all 4 kids for the program. It was too last minute to find someone to watch Audrey although I did try a few people. Luckily I had my sling and had my hands free to grab Audrey from going on stage! Julia was an angel the entire day and slept it away. I was worried she wouldn't sleep that night but she did GREAT. Apparently Cindy had a little talk with Julia before I left! ;) It worked!!!

The drive home was pretty good too! 
I had to eat packs of fruit snacks to stay awake.
It was a wonderful day of surprises and fun. Definitely a day that will be remembered.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

If Only!

If only I could fall asleep in the middle of the living room floor and wake up to happy kids, a clean house, and dinner in the oven.

If only I could sleep when and where I wanted. If that were the case I would choose my 

Especially after a day like today and a night like last night. I wanted to take a nap today more than anything (and quite frankly I NEEDED one).  But in the end it was my kids that got to sleep. 
The joy of being the child and not the adult. 

If only! ;)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Take me out to the Ball Game!

So my firm has season tickets to the Rangers games and I got an email on Friday saying that the tickets were available. I thought it would be fun to take the girls so I jumped all over it. Leah talks very fondly of going to BYU basketball games with her dad. She would get cinnamon bears and listen to her dad scream at the officials. I thought it might be fun for the girls to make some similar memories.

Since they didn't have cinnamon bears, the girls opted for cotton candy. Their excitement over an air woven food-colored web of sugar is apparent on their faces.

Hallie made it most of the way through hers, but I think I ate the last quarter. Claire ate all of hers except for the very last bit around the paper cone, which I begrudgingly ate. It's hard to have to eat cotton candy when you're trying to save room for a cheeseburger, but dads have to make hard sacrifices.

And despite all that sugar in their stomachs, both girls came out tummy-ache free. Leave it to the offspring of my wife to be able to devour a ball of sugar larger than your head and come out with a smile.

In fact, as you can see from this picture, both of them were ready to go down to the field and show the Royals what's-what in Texas.

While the girls ate cotton candy I got to enjoy the game. And once the cotton candy was gone the girls had to freshen up their makeup by applying coat after coat of lip gloss. Of course they had to check out the bathrooms a few times (it's a kid thing I guess) and then they finished the night off with some Zours while I put down that cheeseburger I was telling you about.

I'd have to say the best part was the intermittent, gleeful "thank yous" that I received throughout the night. It was very rewarding to feel like all that parenting is paying off.

So for the valet, game, food, and fun, I've got to give a big thanks to MCS Law. I've got to say it's good to be a lawyer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm Two Weeks Old!

I know most of you are probably bombarded with pictures of me but my Aunties are asking for more pictures! I feel very loved. So here are more pictures!

I went to my two week check up yesterday and I have gained 5 ounces. I weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and am a healthy peanut. In the Doctor's words, "Perfect check-up!" 

I hope you had a Happy Easter!

This hat is HUGE and I have no idea why my mom insisted on making me wear it. I just think it looks goofy....but anything for a picture, right?

This was my moms sad attempt at getting a picture of my pretty Easter dress. I just couldn't keep it all in. Please excuse me!

To all of my Aunites, Grandmas, and adopted Aunties: I hope you like the pictures. I love you and wish you could hold me. I can't wait to see you sometime soon!
Hugs and Kisses,
Julia May

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Egg Hunt

The girls were so excited to have their cousins come over Saturday to decorate easter eggs and have an egg hunt. They could hardly wait for the day to come.

We lined them all up by age and let the little ones go first. It was pretty cute.

Zeb wanted a shot of all of them running which turned out darling.

Here is Audrey,

Claire, and Hallie in action. They had a blast.

Of course I didn't want to miss the fun so Julia and I came out for a bit.
I can't believe she will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. 

Yes, I did get my hair cut, finally. Zeb had Friday off work so he insisted I go get it done. He is so good to me and makes sure I take some time just for me. I like the cut but the color is a little "chunkier" than I am used to. But overall I am very happy. Thanks, babe! And thanks to my little elf that gave me a gift card to beauty brands for Christmas! I know, I know, Christmas was a LONG time ago! ;)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sweet Baby of Mine...

I have always thought it was so amazing how much we as Mothers could love our children. Each little child we are sent immediately has their own place in our hearts. When we think there couldn't be any more room for any more love,  somehow room is made.

As much as I joke around about having "14 kids," I cannot imagine my life without this sweet baby of mine. The moment she was placed in my arms I was a different person. I have more love for her than I could ever have imagined.

I am so grateful for Julia and for the little angel she is. I know I have a lot to learn, and will always be learning and growing as a mother, but I am so happy to be mother again. A mother of four.

My "four princesses" as I call them. I love you girls.