The week before Christmas Audrey and I went to a local nursing home with a few friends from her joy school. We took jingle bells and sang Christmas carols. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see their faces light up and see them so happy that we were there. They loved the little ones and wanted them near. They couldn't get enough of Julia and Audrey. It reminded me of my childhood and especially of my little sister Stephanie. Hope we made you proud, Steph!
What a great thing to do for joy school. I bet your girls got some serious attention! Audreay's hair is so cute in piggys! Keep on postin baby!!
How nice! I liked doing stuff like that when I was little because I had a great grandma in the nursing home. :) Cute kids!
I love it. It has been FAR too long since I went to a nursing home and spent time with the people there who need love and attention SO much. Kudos to Audrey's joy school for doing that. Love you and miss you.
How sweet! My mom used to make us carol at nursing homes and now I miss it! Those old people are so cute! It looks like ya'll had a fantastic Christmas! Dean & I were laughing so hard at that pic w/ all the girls in their coats/hats/mittens- holy colorful/sparkly/fuzzy/girly! It's the cutest pic ever! Dean goes, "That's Zeb's world!" So fun! I can't believe how big Julia is!!! I'm so happy she still has those cheeks, tho!
So sweet! I'm proud of Audrey! And her hair is so long!
I can't believe how big Audrey looks!
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